Attached: file.jpg (1125x992, 165.07K)

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put me in the screen cap

they're probably fine. people are blowing it out of proportion because they want an excuse to be homophobic. if it was mel gibson doing this nobody would care.

These are the parents
They were in a polyamorous relationship with Ezra in Hawaii

Attached: 1630431116236.png (1150x1230, 827.68K)


Ezra Miller reminds me of that scene in Heavy Metal with the space captain who gets charged with 12 counts of murder in the first degree, 14 counts of armed theft of Federation property, 22 counts of piracy in high space, 18 counts of fraud, 37 counts of rape — and one moving violation

Attached: metal-magazine-heavy-metal.jpg (590x331, 76.59K)

Breaking the law, breaking the law!

>Everyone thinks this is Erza Miller
>It's actually Reverse Flash traveling through time to ruin Flash's reputation and get his movie cancelled.

Fucking Reverse Flash.


can he be realistically stopped?



Uh…that sounded a lot better in my head

He has all the cards, he's too powerful

Attached: 1637566618211.jpg (836x938, 396.75K)

Ezra the nigger killer

There's one good thing about Ezra, if someone says they like him I can confidently stay the fuck away from the person.

It's fucking over

It's not, I can tell it's the same retard doing mental gymnastics to defend this little mental case.

Don't worry, he's got an angle.


Attached: el flasho.jpg (1216x1034, 422.27K)

>Sorry officers, man you’re after is not here, just me Mezra Eiller

got he's beautiful

They's* gone postal

Isn't this an invasion of privacy
yeah sure miller is an actor he doesn't get a right to privacy but his mother is right there, give them some peace, whoever took that photo was tresspassing