Don't lie, this looks great. The lighting, cinematography and direction is all top notch along with the score...

Don't lie, this looks great. The lighting, cinematography and direction is all top notch along with the score. It's going to be kino bros.

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Guys I found a dead tranny, what should I do with him

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Why do always the shills pick her? Why not any other of the 148432 nig nogs in the cast?

Looks like a townie drunk

never watching

I want to make this clear: whether you’re trolling, gatekeeping, plain old racist, or all of the above, you have no place in this fandom. If you read The Lord of the Rings, or any of his works - like really read, beyond the fact that he once points out an elf has pale skin or whatever - these are stories about people of different races overcoming their differences and working together for a common cause.

You are showing absolutely zero appreciation of the fact that there is actually something substantial being done with the Legendarium and that now more than ever will people watch LOTR content that isn't just the original trilogy. You need to stop watching sensationalist YouTube channels that make it their full-time job to bash Rings of Power. They don't care about Tolkien, they only care about you angrily clicking on their video so they can make ad money.

Finally, you have perverted Tolkien's work by gatekeeping it. The Legendarium is about good triumphing over hate, about all free people working together as a force of good to defeat the ultimate bad. And most importantly, how overcoming this evil is by being able to change and adapt. You people have only demonstrated you ability to hate while also your inability to change.

She looks fine, not special enough to spam a bunch of threads about her though.

i am not reading that nig

Did it ever occur to you that SOME of us actually want to talk about television on the goddamn television board? Literally everyone is looking forward to this show and we want to gather here to talk about how awesome it looks and how cute Morf is. We can't do that because you pieces of shit keep derailing every single thread about RoP™. Seriously, just stick to another thread if this huge epic tv show bothers you so much. It's going to be the biggest thing since Game of Thrones.

it looks cheap, off-flavor from Tolkien’s literary tone and ham-fisted in its casting attempts. go away already, it’s getting flamed on youtube because most people think it looks like shit

Join him chud
She's beautiful
You will, stop lying

>The lighting, cinematography and direction is all top notch along with the score.
No it doesn't. Go check out that scene of Galadriel climbing the ice wall. Looks like a PS3 cutscene, and half the show looks like a perfume ad and the sets all look like they only came into existence 3 seconds before shooting started. It doesn't look lived in.

I forgot to add. If you don't like the show then LITERALLY.JUST.IGNORE.IT. You freaking assholes keep derailing every single thread about RoP™ because you have nothing better to do.

Get a flipping job. Amazon is doing us LotR nerds a huge favor here, we're getting all we ever wanted. They even invited some random superfans to get a sneak peek, that's a sign of respect for the fanbase.

We're looking at the biggest thing since Game of Thrones here. And we won't let a few rotten apples ruin that for us. Not a chance. The show looks awesomesauce.

Not watching it. Black niggers do not belong in fantasy.

>Black nigger
As opposed to?

lol. literally only leftists support this shit.
I’ve never seen anything like it.

White niggers AKA Slavs and Irish

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>say im not watching
underage or just stupid?

Comfy scene desu, reminds me of bleak fall barrow in Skyrim

Your thinking with your dick user. This looks like shit, she looks great.


I'll give this a chance

How much do you figure they pay these fags to shill their garbage? Surely OP doesn't do it for free.

Wont watch. For He.

Say what you will but morf is actually a good actor

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wonder if anyone here has seen her theater work live

based and true

fuck chuds, trump lost