Low-budget science fiction tht's not shit

Prospect (2018)

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I liked this movie a lot. It had patience and the girl was cute. Felt like an old sci-fi short story and the world building was subtle.

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This is you OP

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camera went off accidentally. felt cute, might delete later.

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this wasn't bad, but the ending was weak.

It was really good, Pedro Pascal did a great job. Pacing was weird though

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This was really surprising. I guess they shot the whole thing on the real SS Valley Forge, while it was being retired in drydock. lent huge credibility to the appearance.

Dunno if I'd call it amature though..

forgot about this movie. i liked it a lot maybe ill rewatch it tonight

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I look exactly like this

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man from earth
europa report

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The Signal (2007) good.
The Signal (2014) bad.

watched this one with my dad. thought it was good

Did your dad like it?

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This came out the same year as Venom and was basically the same movie.