/bcs/ - Better Call Saul General

The colors are back edition


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Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=albuquerque conman&rlz=1C1CHBF_enRO852RO852&sxsrf=ALiCzsbx1UuQuSwGncW0zS_HPbWY33s4IQ:1660166983351&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfsL36m735AhXKgv0HHcknCDMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2133&bih=1041&dpr=0.9


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Saulbros pls elaborate on the final episode's song leak

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I want to sniff Rhea Seehorn's hair

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This one Was first

Ah you beat me OP
I hope scriptanon is keeping this going though, anyone want to add anything?

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the mid-season break was comfy..


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>and now I will randomly google "albuquerque conman" to go with my morning coffee
Was this the lowest point of the series?

>so if they criticize a Mikepost, you reply with “you’re done?”
>yes, but only once. the exception is if they start waltposting
>and you, as a /BCS/ practitioner, you abide by these strictures absolutely?

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google.com/search?q=albuquerque conman&rlz=1C1CHBF_enRO852RO852&sxsrf=ALiCzsbx1UuQuSwGncW0zS_HPbWY33s4IQ:1660166983351&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjfsL36m735AhXKgv0HHcknCDMQ_AUoAXoECAEQAw&biw=2133&bih=1041&dpr=0.9


Peter Gould here. took a lot of negotiating and translating with some gooks but it's gonna be this! please enjoy.


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i want to rub tony daltons head

She saw Gene go from having a meek and respectful demeanor to seeing him yell at her son in private. That probably raised some flags.
And at first he mentioned he'd never been to ABQ yet during the phonecall he said that Omaha wasn't as bad or something.
He thought that she was like any other old docile client of his, he underestimated her. He always thinks he's so much smarter than others.

>*flicks cigarette*
>... was... when I knew him
>*pulls up hood*
This is some anime-level cringe

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Thread theme:

Gene will die electrocuted by electricty

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We had a good thing, you stupid son of a bitch! We had "Is that so?" We had the sunburn pic. We had everything we needed, and it all ran like CLOCKWORK! You could've "not my call"ed, Mikeposted, and gotten as many (You)s as you ever needed. It was perfect. But, no, you just had to Waltpost. You and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man. If you'd done your job, known your place, we'd all be fine right now.

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This dumbass talked about court in albuquerque like it used to be his whole buisness

You have been charged with ruining BCS by the Illuminati with the final episode that will release next week, Vince has fully bought into your shit and will let you film whatever you want as long as it's reasonable.
How could you ruin BCS without relying on memes like Walter coming back to life, time travel, dragons and comedy skits.

El Camino, Breaking Bad, and Better Call Saul, all helped me realize what an inherent good for nothing shithole Albuquerque is, and should be nuked.

haha the lion kim

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>waltuh put your dick away waltuh
>im not having sex with you right now waltuh
What did Mike mean when he said this? What did this scene represent

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dear mods: please dont make this play in the finale sticky

I've seen her be portrayed as a lioness multiple times, what's up with that

>tfw no mental institution ending where Jimmy confesses to everything and reveals the truth; but cons something one last time and it's the law, by pleading insanity. As a result he develops a mental illness similar to Chuck's EHS in principle. That way, he'll get his karma despite having atoned.
>Kim occasionally visits him after finishing her 8 year sentence, so thst it could be classified as a bittersweet ending at least. All is good with the world.

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What means I will put you "under" the jail?

went on a google street view from albuquerque to amarillo
how do people live like that?

They could have at least showed us some cat videos and then a bcs ad pops up

The lowest point was the judge showing up at the liquor store at the same time as Jimmy. The Marion thing is believable

when the time comes it'll pop bright as day

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you ever met someone who knows a lot about some obscure shit?
you ever google the state your son lived in because of it?

1 hour courtroom episode coming quote me on this

>the (You)s… I made them up.
>but why?
>I have no money, no job, and no friends… and you’re asking me why I samefagged?

The final shot of the show has been leaked

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does this mean Jesse comes back and shoots Saul in the face

They are nothing but mindless, blood thirsty beasts that must be hunted to extinction.


Was Gene going to garrote the old woman before the writers made him break character for the nth time to conveniently have him on the run as Saul Goodman?
Yeah that's right, the old woman.
I don't know her name and I don't care.
I'm gonna speedwatch if the writers choose to use asspull writing to move the plot forward in the crucial final episodes of this show.
Everything starting with the mid season finale has been a circus of asspulls.

It was Walt the hole time

this but bluegrass


(You)re and idiot. He was gonna tie her up

>Listen, as I speak, not 25 feet away from me, I'm looking at the mark.
>Think Thurston Howell III if he shacked up with Ginger.
>He's dripping in Gucci.
>It's like I'm at the watering hole, and I'm watching the fattest, slowest water buffalo expose his neck to me, and I'm the lioness ready to strike.
>Come, Kim.
>Join me. Join the pride.

>Um, I said "lioness" because it's the females who do all the hunting.
>Uh, just wanted to be species-accurate, irrespective of my own sex.
>It's a National Geographic thing. >Anyway...

she rub on my head till i daltons a tony

Is that so?


>Hank tells Mike that he "can do himself a solid"

Hank is a memelord too?

I want to suck on Cheryl's beef curtains

When Jimmy meeps, my heart leaps
and flutters like a flare
I just wish, that I could squish
his cheeks, smooth out his hair

Take the pangs from whence they sprang
and take in hold his hand
Take him near, towards his ear
and whisper "s'all good man"

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He meepin

You've had enough time to build a strong case by now, so tell me, /bcs/...

How was Howard's death not an ass pull?

Has Jimmy ever showed the capacity/willingness to engage in physical violence or act menacingly?

Ya'll ready for my new series ya'll?

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Hank has a lot of good quips, it's a shame that redditors reduced him to le minerals guy

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only way BB/BCS work is if Walt, Gus and Saul are the only normal guys and everyone else is literally retarded and I mean literally Down Syndromed


You ever met someone you havent seen in 20 years and then they mention one little detail about their previous life and suddenly you connect the dots


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Cheryl is unable to feel emotion like all hapa.

Sounds kino. I'll have to hold off on my suicide until I see a plot description

I like your efficiency. Yes, he did die. Justify it.

what if your phone was like mexican?


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I hope he has the BCS writers too

the solid zone

Yeah. The stairs of the cancer guy.

post YOUR finale song headcanons



Nah, I think it was the obvious Gene looking at the security camera screens and the guard getting obviously baited by a terrible sob story.

howard: spiritual
kim/jimmy: no religious thoughts
salamancas: religious
nacho: raised religiously but stopped caring
mike: athiest
gus: religious

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He was going to shoot Jesse in Breaking Bad if he had reached his gun