And don’t forget your war t-shirt

and don’t forget your war t-shirt

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what television or film is this?

rent free

Right-wingers and grifting go together like bread and butter.

got my MAGA cap, got my supervitality supplements from Alex Jones, got my FIGHT shirt ... yup, it's MAGA time

Reddit buzzword

It's time to go to war soldier. Donate 100$ to know your nearest mobilization center where you can buy more merch.

>Leftoids selling shirts over this shit
>Rightoids selling shirts over this shit
American politics are a fucking joke.

I hate people like him and Hasan.

all of this shit is just theatre

branded tshirts are so fucking gay

don’t embarrass yourselves

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"Thee-tray"? Lol

just like left wing and genocide

I'd pay money for him to hurt himself.

stop simping for grifters

He's the former voice of Arthur the aardvark

Most of those are actual businesses, dummy. Pretty much every right-winger from Alex Jones to Jordan Peterson has some supplement/book/service/product to shill to their retarded followers.

I said this when the "black lives matter store" was announced, and I'll say it again.
Capitalism always wins.

Educated, high iq elites are leftists. Rural and suburban retards are right wingers. Go figure.

t. donates to Hassan

holy shit we have real retards here

the only hassan I know is the guy I buy kebab from

How much money did you spend on Super Male Vitality? And when did you realize that it doesn't work?

>when I sell you something its a business
>when you sell me something its a grift
high IQ liberal take right here

you think because i see you’re a dopey liberal it means i buy this fake shit
that’s literally how dumb you are

Education=indoctrinarion, not intelligence

At first I hated the grifters. Now, I just hate the griftees

let’s adjust for race to be even smarter and get an even smarter answer
that’ll show those chuds…

>gets mad when right-wing grifts get called out
Yup. Hopefully you at least got a free Infowars t-shirt for spending all that money on fake supplements and water filters.

say i have a mypillow and a maga hat next you comically stupid liberal bot

its almost like we live in a society

>Says this while wearing John Oliver's "Make Trump Drumpf again" hats

Extremely funny to put Blackrock with a bunch of things like Discord.

>makes Crowder seethe

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so his holster is just a fetish thing, isnt it? he absolutely attends pitch black piss partys doesnt he

No user, it costs money.

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Whoa! 15% off! I'm buying mine right now along side a My Pillow, what a deal they're 65% off right now even though they're always 65% off, use code STOPTHESTEAL at checkout for a further 5% discount!!!! MIGA my fellow pedes, just got my Trumpy Bear in the mail as well!

The griftees were always the real issue. Grifters are business savvy people trying to make a buck using dishonorable methodology in an indecent time.
They're small fry. The audience is responsible for itself and its thoughts.

Not an argument.

what a tough guy, he'd die of a heart attack if he looked at anyone cross-eyed

Hillary is literally on Twitter right now selling her own shirts.
>It's okay when we do it!

That image is missing Lockheed&Martin and Raytheon

t. donated to Mike Lindell so he could release his election fraud evidence
Lmao for every one of those there are 20,000 MAGA hats. Right-wingers just love being grifted by politicians and churches.

the eternal canadian strikes again

>It's okay when we do it!
>he’s still taking sides

Who are you quoting?

I almost feel bad for them.

>Who are you quoting?
>It's okay when we do it!
you you tard

Blackrock is literally part of the reason why all this "woke" shit is infesting Western institutions and companies

Go woke or your funding will go broke

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it was an insult.
but now i think having been proven right it could also be an argument