*mogs your favorite capeshit*

*mogs your favorite capeshit*

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The comics were pure shit

>*mogs your favorite capeshit*

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I ain't watching this edgelord capeshit ryan johnson-tier "subversion! lol" and there's nothing you can do about it

*mogs your gritty "realism"

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didn't watch, shan't be watching

>literally is cape shit, but heccin adulterino

It's great, everyone in this thread complaining about it are just scared of anything considered popular.
It's pretty much the only show out there doing decent satire at the moment.

Imagine caring about capeshit so much that you watch other capeshit just to see capeshit subverted

- still gigamogged by the original material -

The latest episode had a big climactic beat-em-up fight, unlikely teamups with cool displays of power, cool scenes where good guys unleash their electro powers like Thor, big heroic sacrifice to stop the bad guy, both hero and villain live so they can come back later, we are FAMILY scenes, good guys never get held accountable for doing same shit as bad guys, status quo restored constantly to keep milking everything, and a sequel hook to set up the next installment, etc. And all of this shit is done without a hint of irony or self-awareness.

For a show that tries to make fun of capeshit, The Boys seems to be enslaved to capeshit tropes more than actual capeshit.

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>Soldier Boy is... Le bad!
>Because... Because... BECAUSE I JUST FUCKING SAID SO ALRIGHT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?1/1/1/1/1/1/1/1

Trash show

It stopped being satire long ago, now it's just a smug far-left jerk off session. It's now doing the same shit it tried to satirize before.

I prefer Payback.

How original

>i-it's not satire because i don't agree with it!
Nah, and the fact you called it far-left is just laughable

this. already got my fix of "realistic superheroes" from hancock and watchmen


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It is far left. The show seethes about conservative values, it makes fun of corporations for warping liberal values, and the only characters that never get questioned by the narrative are the women and the non-white men.

Hancock was excellent and I'm tired of pretending it wasn't.

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>capeshit but for edgy leftists

That's not far-left you absolute cretin

go back and re-watch season 1. it actually does a decent job subverting the genre and the superheroes had different abilities and power levels

now it's just civil war but edgier

You're obviously not paying attention or being willfully retarded then. It is a circle jerk, there's multiple scenes every episode that paints leftist ideals in a positive light that are shoehorned in contrasted with obvious references to more right leaning real world politics. It's pretty clear how the tone of the show has turned. Stop being delusional.

Yes it is. Go read some of the author comments. The writer just spends entire interviews seething about Trump (which I don't even disagree with), seething about the toxicity of men, and then pandering to women and lesbians.
It's interesting that the narrative within the Boys shits on Vaught for cynically using homosexuality in order to pander, and then the writer fails to hold Queen Maeve to the usual rules of The Boys only because she's gay because he's cynically pandering himself.

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You people seem unable to distinguish between 'not right-leaning' and far-left though. Anything that isn't conservative seems to be 'far-left' to you people. You have no idea what you're talking about lol

How did Elliot Page, a man, rape Dwight Schrute, another man?

None of what you've posted is remotely far-left, you could easily have most of those opinions and still be a centrist - most of those opinions are liberalist and not specifically left-wing at all

He's a racist.
Keep up, chud.

When did you realize you can only communicate in buzzwords, Op?

>you could easily have most of those opinions and still be a centrist
Kek sure.

Just finished S2, does it get better or still shit?
Was "stormfront" supposed to be a subtle foreshadowing of her true identity? Do normies not know what stormfront is?

It's a fun show but really not much smarter than your average Marvel show. I enjoy capeshit but I don't think it's possible to really create something unique and experimental in the genre- I think the original run of Watchmen was the extent of the genre's intellectual capability.