ITT: Woke horseshit

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In retrospect, this and terminator were the beginning of a progressive trend. Now 5'4'' women warriors dab on men and the in the new LotR Numenorean army is 50% female.

It's anti woke. It shows that Ripley was a great character and back then no one gave a fuck about her being a woman. Same thing with Sarah Connor.

this kills the chud

Nah, it would be woke if all the men were incompetent bozos or evil and the male-female dynamic was defined by hostility. But in Aliens, some of the men are competent and are good guys and Ripley and them work together against the bad guys.

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If anything it shows that despite what current 'feminsts'say nobody had a problem with a female action hero. Ripley literally carrying a child while exterminating alien queens.

remember p.i. warshawski?

rewriting the past is a typical communist tactic

Woke = Shit

This ain't shit so it ain't woke.

this is how you write a great female character, as opposed to Prey. In Prey the “character development” is so shallow and heavy handed. The non-brother characters are all one dimensional (“haha she is a woman and is bad at hunting!” or just generic evil French guy) and it feels like a Disney movie with how obvious her growth is

Ridley on the other hand is just a motherfucking badass without any need to excruciatingly milk out drama from comically antagonistic side characters

woke has absolutely no meaning anymore.

No one cared about diversity in films until it was mandated by blue haired feminists. It's like being told to eat your vegetables, they turned women, faggots and niggers into vegetables.

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Hi Jay have you started transitioning yet?

also portrayed the most jewish looking character (the company rep) as the worst cowardly scumbag traitor

i thought it was mike who said that

Low quality thread

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ur moms a low quality thread.

I'm going to say it. Ripley is a dumb character. I don't care how many people like Aliens, she is a dumb character and you are hopelessly retarded if you like her.

Women aren't action heroes. It's incongruous. If someone was going to go deep into the heart of an alien nest to rescue a child it would be a man. Women don't have the physical strength, courage, or stress tolerance that men do. Ripley is a male character being portrayed by an actress. Women fighting aliens, taking on big strong guys by themselves, or otherwise showing strength and endurance in the manner they so often do in movies now is completely retarded.

>spend all day long interacting with people who are much physically stronger than them, lust after their bodies, and maybe like 1-2% of whom are sociopaths
>no courage

Fucking Garbage women

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In aliens all the men die. They WERE incompetent.


Hicks doesn't die and Bishop, who is an android but looks and acts like a man, also doesn't die

Terminator 2 doesn't make sense either
How did white tiny Sarah connor get in contact and meet all these gun guerrilla type guys to teach John?
How she afford all those guns she had hidden. Bullshit

>Hicks doesn't die
I guess you skipped alien3 LOL

Virgin hands typed this.

user, I...

I mean COME ON

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