I liked it

I liked it

Attached: 51yuqDheS1L.jpg (349x500, 49.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>great action
>MUCH better than AVP
>Dark gritty and "scary" visuals
>Good setting
>Actually vaguely realistic
>Based characters
>Based predator coming to redeem his fallen comrades
>Based practical effects
>Everything feels very canonically relavent
>Based do not trust the government plot
>Just an awesome movie overall
>Dumb pozzed "critics" give it low score

Idk, I thought it was the best movie since Predator and Aliens


me too

Best predator, and the predalien was great to see. Except.. you can barely see any of it. Horribly lit.

>new prey movie comes out
>now faggots pretend to like this garbage movie cause OLD GOOD NEW BAD FEMALE LEAD BAD
you people are fucking sad and should just fuck off from life honestly

It's pretty alright. It's a good alien invades a small town movie and if the action wasn't dogdshit it would be rgeat.

thats the point filtered retard. if you see this shit in full blown lighting it takes away from the aesthetic and fear of it

Me too

I liked prey, but honestly this was better

Alien 3
Alien Ressurection



>>> all the rest of the movies

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'ate Predators
'ate AVP
'ate Prey
like AVP2
simple as

All I remember about it is that I was 14 and you needed to be 15 to get into the cinema, what a thrill

unironically yes
it's a feminist power fantasy and the director is shit
i already liked requiem before prey anyway
are you transgender?

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It felt like a few ideas got ripped from random Dark Horse stories and pasted together. Sort of like how the first was just AvP: Prey slightly rewritten and cold.

>dark shit
>dogshit characters
>dogshit story compared to the first AVP but who cares
>gore is often tasteless
The only thing it did good was an actually skillfull predator on screen and make him the main character, otherwise it is pure shit

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if they had set in the future qnd had better lighting it wouldve been great, you woukdnt even have to change much, as it wouldve been some weiland colony to recreate earth, you would only need to change the tank designs and the marine uniforms to make ir colonial marines, but you woukd still have the town look lik an american suburbia.
The one before too, instead of antartica it couldve been a frozen alien planet that weiland wanted to explore, and the scientists wouldve dressed like the ones in alien3 wich were badasses

yes its "dark" and you "cant make anything out" because you are an adhd zoomer dribbler used to seeing marvel fights in daylight and bad CGI

flush yourself

the problem is they didn't rip the dark horse wholesale the original story was perfect

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>frozen alien planet
I thought you wanted the movie to have predators

has it really been that long

Eh, the main female lead becoming a fucking Predator was fucking retarded.

yea but that's the sequel