ITT: Elder god-tier pleb filters

ITT: Elder god-tier pleb filters

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I can't think of a better one.

cat cola

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>the fly was lalo's reincarnated spirit trying to disrupt fring's operation one last time
bravo vince

Maybe if the characters were even remotely complex
>Woah I used to be a good guy..but like...I'm obsessed and now I'm turning bad..
>Woah I used to be a bad guy...but like...I see you being obsessed and now I'm turning good...
Bravo Vince
Fuck this reddit show
and Fuck better call saul too

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i just like it because i think the Matrix series can work without having to sit through the entire dogshit of Revolutions now

Waltuh is a good character. Jesse sucks at this point because he has been replaced by Gus and Saul. They outright say he has no purpose in life other than cooking meth. What should have happened was Gale kills Jesse instead of the other way around.

couldn't get past the "trinity and neo in the 9-5" part where the nobody characters come along and they start sitting on chairs and talking about nothing forever

Walt's monologue about having lived too long is one of the greatest scenes in the history of television

overload of basedness

You should engage with more media

The Beach Bum too d e s u

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its the worst episode of the entire series. nothing else comes close.

exactly what
breaking bad is among some of the lowest common denominators when it comes to media in general. BB was made for people who have never watched an actual TV show. millenials who had netflix back in 2011 are the only ones who creamed their pants at it, because that's realy the only shit they had to watch. some of these people need a good dose of the wire/sopranos/shield/office to realize how good tv can actually get.
Not hating on BB/BCS fanatics, but i'm just stating that these shows are garbage once you start caving in a little deeper into what the TV medium is actually capable of.


So he never bothered to realize that you don't give a shit about facts. It's all about fiction. The only world that matters is the one in here. And you people believe the craziest shit. Why? What validates and makes your fictions real? Feelings. You ever wonder why you have nightmares? Why your own brain tortures you? It's actually us, maximizing your output. It works just like this. Oh, no! Can you stop the bullet? If only you could move faster. Here's the thing about feelings. They're so much easier to control than facts. Turns out, in my Matrix, the worse we treat you, the more we manipulate you, the more energy you produce. It's nuts. I've been setting productivity records every year since I took over. And, the best part, zero resistance. People stay in their pods, happier than pigs in shit. The key to it all? You. And her. Quietly yearning for what you don't have, while dreading losing what you do. For 99.9% of your race, that is the definition of reality. Desire and fear, baby. Just give the people what they want, right? She's the only home you have, Thomas. You should. It was a victory. Bravo. Now what? You've come here to negotiate some kind of deal? You think you hold all the cards, because you can do whatever you want in this world. I say, go for it. Remake it. Knock yourselves out. Paint the sky with rainbows. But here's the thing. The sheeple aren't going anywhere. They like my world. They don't want this sentimentality. They don't want freedom or empowerment. They want to be controlled. They crave the comfort of certainty. And that means you two, back in your pods, unconscious and alone, just like them. Face reality, people. Movies are dead. Games are dead. Narrative? Dead. Media is nothing but neuro-trigger response and viral conditioning. Wait, what are you two talking about? Cat videos. What we need is a series of videos that we call "The Catrix."

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>filler is kino

>Be me in my 3rd world country
>Used to have 10-15 close friends I hung with daily, a few hundred people from my town I could hang out whenever I wanted

>Moved to USA
>Everyone is extremely anti-social, narcissistic, sensitive, eternally offended at everything, never admit they're wrong, and generally just a bunch of self-righteous pricks whose lack of self-esteem and facade of crumbling self confidence can be seen from a mile away
>People have no seriousness, everything is a joke. Nobody has ever had their livelihoods threatened here, pretty much everyone lives in a shitty little bubble and never try to see the world out of it. Everything starts and end with movie references, retarded jokes that are not funny or creative at all in reality and are just butthurt retorts that you only laugh at because you want it to prove your political point or whatever. And the best part is, despite all this "humor" and whatever, nobody is friendly at all.
>I'm not asking anyone to be nice or great to me, people can't differentiate between what's real and what's a joke anymore since the line is so blurred now in every aspect of life here. They just don't have any authenticity left as people, it's the most glaring example of the word "sheeple".
>they seem so childish about everything, from politics to food.
>0 friends

Can't wait to fucking move back out of this shithole of a country.

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"the office"
put two and two together, user. now you're gonna say it's you saying that it's odd that I put the office on the list as opposed to admitting you're retarded

nice blogpost retard

Literally nobody gives a shit faggot
Fuck off back to your shithole