What do they do when they are not hunting ?

What are some other Yuatja pastimes ?

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thinking bout hunting

>savage warrior culture
>makes spaceships that can travel through the galaxy

is they the sigma chads?


They travel

Live off welfare from the race that provides them with their technology

Eat, sleep, jerk off, take a shit.


Going to work at boring office jobs to save up money for their 2 week a year hunting vacation?

Lots of taxidermy, building and repairing equipment; building, repairing, and improving their ships; building their big ass temples and wiring up their holograms and getting Predfi to work. Biggest pastime for predators though is probably, unironically, a combination of some sort of small industry and high levels of commercial/retail commerce. Seriously, who else is making all their cool masks and putting all the software in them, making their clothes and little decorations, making all the armor and extraneous shit they wear, doing their hair up, etc. They'd have legit predator shopping malls and salons out there, it would be the only way. Predator fashion senses and trends, predator marketers trying to figure out what the top dogs and chiefs and kings will desire next. All these fuckers do all day is hunt and show off

That's some top quality mouthpussy.

Are there any predator women?

male pregnancy

Watch porn, play video games and smoke the weed.

>savage warrior culture
>steal spaceships that can travel through the galaxy form their smarter former owners that invaded them
>use the technology to still be a savage warrior across the galaxy

Pretty sure there are judging by all the materials online, I think some comics have covered that base as well. So, yea, my theory is pretty much a shoe-in. Female (of any species) + Civilization = all the shit I said existing in their society. LOL

How did commies make all that and better without malls? Wtf... were we lied to burger fiends?

The predator world would 100% be a nightmarish experience for a human at any socio-economic standing. Just like every communist country has been. What a strange fucking post to make for this thread, is this a bot? Are there keywords in my post?

they had normal high tech globohomo society until they all read Pred Kaczynski manifesto and decided they need to get back to crab

Yea that's why the majority of people from ex-communist countries want it back, now that they live liberated in Liberal Democracy and Capitalism - because it was nightmarish like your propaganda says.
Get a grip, hamburger man.

There's females, they run society and are larger and more aggressive than males. Males go out and hunt for glory, females stay home and mind the planet and offspring.

the only people who want communism are central americans and they're retarded

The Predators live in a matriarchal society. Female predators are larger, more fearsome, and do not travel off-world.
Theirs is a post-scarcity utopia where violence is forbidden. Only females hold positions of authority and run everything. Males only exist for breeding or ornamental purposes. Males are allowed to travel off-world to satisfy their instinct to hunt and return with trophies to impress potential mates and each other.

This is not a shit-post. All of the above is indicated by EU lore in comic books and novels of the 90s and 2000s.

it turns they are a slave race that got the upper hand in their slavers kinda like the roman and the visigoths

so yes they are krauts

krauts love dancing in techno clubs

>tfw you will never be abducted by predators and placed in an eccentric rich matriarch's menagerie

Wow, I was dead on. I figured there was a reason predators keep leaving their own planet.

>mesh shirts
>sampling voices
it checks out