IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!

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>they hate it

Literally who?

>5 mins ago

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>it's alright
That's it. I'm sending them anthrax in a tape.

"it's alright" for movie reviewers is "it's hot vomit"


Jay owes me sex

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Will they ever actually go to the cinema for some shit that isn't marvel?

That doesn’t answer my question.

Did Mike subtly name the Jew?

They'll probably like it. They're retards.

>Mike hates it
>Jay loved it
Its over.......

Usually, Jay's the one with better taste.

They'll like it just like they liked The Force Awakens and then shit on it a year from now when they realize it's actually bad.

Mike still hasn't commented on the july 4 incident

Josh's body still hasn't been found and Mike refuses to talk about it

Jay needs to apologize for mocking the disabled community.

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they both thought it was average


stfu Arin

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Fucking KEK at them shitting all over the anti-woke youtube grifters. It's even more hilarious because all those pathetic faggots love RLM.