What the fuck have you done lately?

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I jerked off to Goldie Rush

>What the fuck have you done lately?
What the fuck have you done lately?

Killed 6 million jews.

You mom.

Lost weight, quit drugs, started an actual career, started talking to women. I noticed that my interest in Any Forums has been dwindling. I've gone from browsing all day to like maybe 30 minutes a day.

i cried over black actors being cast in remakes of children's entertainment products from my youth

Don't worry, it is only temporary

good job, user. proud of you.

not murder a bunch of innocent people for a shadow assassin cult, so doing pretty good for myself lmao

dark brotherhood skyrim quest?

I learned latin

Pretty based movie. Not as based as the comic though.

chupa mi huevos cabrĂ³n

I would like to learn spanish, the grammar makes a lot more sense to me now. you can tell its just a bastardized descendent of latin for stinky plebs

no, in the movie this guy finds out the 'bad people' he was killing were just picked by fate weavers deciding by a fake mystic weaving table or something idk

It's sad, but you don't have to cry about it. We all hate niggers.

No the whole conflict is him finding out they're faking it lmao

Yeah, i'll say. Pic related. Imagine seeing this in theaters.

Also, you are now aware Millar originally modeled main guy after Eminem.

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Yeah the last line of the comic was better and I did not really like the comic.

No offense but I was aware of that when reading the comic

Well yea not you, heh, anyone who hasnt read the comic I mean.

Man I miss this 'White male says fuck you to society and BTFOs everyone to claim his destiny ' subgenre. WTF happened bros.


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I got up to eat a hamburger earlier. Now I'm in bed again. Might get up later, don't know.

You didn't get out of bed for work?

Got fired 2 months ago. Didn't qualify for any neet bucks. Lost a lot of money. Been too depressed to get another job. Too autistic to understand the job market. Just been sleeping really.

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Haha oh wow