Ironheart- LOLOL

Aren't you looking forward to the future of the MCU with Ironheart? hahahahahaha

Attached: Iron1.jpg (817x1222, 330.61K)

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Imagine having watched, followed and enjoyed superhero films for over a decade to where you're now posting set pictures on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum.
There is no hope.

looks like doom slayer

Looks like Ironman x Gyver

It's over.

Attached: iron man.webm (1920x1012, 3M)

Why the legs different

>they start using practical suits of armor again
>but it looks like shit now
>and iron man is a black woman

monkey's paw strikes again

why is she called Iron Heart? she doesn't have an artificial heart like Tony Stark

childless adults will watch this

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She designed the suit out of car parts. Makes sense just like most youths in the city.

Isn't he dead?

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I would have no problem with this, it's superhero shit, it can be as silly as you want.
but why the fuck did they need to cast the ugliest actress they could?
why, why, why, always so fucking ugly.
she's a literally who and I doubt she's a a great actress, and she's ugly too.

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Why the fuck is she fighting the Hood of all people? Shouldn’t they be saving him for the Midnight Sons movie?

actually lol’d typing this when I realized the black girl’s adversary is the hood. It’s like pottery

Powerful women of color yayyyy

You would think with the amount of money Disney has, PLUS the amount of money that the MCU in general brings in, that they would be able to design decent costumes without having to dig through the bargain bin at a Halloween surplus store. What the fuck is this shit? Has Disney also lost faith in the MCU and started to cut funding?

If they casted curvy young chocolate girl it would've been better. I don't understand why they feel the need to cast ugly nogs most of the time

Children are obnoxious

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