This was shit

Thanks for listening.

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Jesus Joey.

No, it was good and you're wrong and stupid.

I think it would have been better as a TV series. The brother mob boss in the large house with inept bodyguards really dragged it down to a PS2 video game level. Like The Darkness or The Punisher.

William Hurt was bad and cringe in this, but everyone else was good

It's based on a comic. Also, you're wrong because it's kino.

Agreed. William Hurt's acting was so fucking bad.
The staircase sex scene was hot though, gave me a throbbing boner.

genuinely one of the most awful movies ive watched

yeah its pointless
I remember waiting for years until someone seeded the torrent for it, and finally it turned out to be nothing


For the poster, i thinks it would be a movie very dense crime drama. But it was actually great action movie.

I 100% agree. It was such a cheesy shitty crap movie I felt embarassed after watching it.... and those fucking lame ass cuck sexscenes.

I feel like I got scammed by recommendations and its imdb score.

I expected something a bit more... I don't know, clever? The opening is great, though.

>wh*te characters

Everyone here told you to watch Eastern Promises instead but you didn't listen

Eastern Promises was much better, though "FSB is... le good" made me cringe a bit as a Russian.

the staircase scene is the only thing notable of the entire film

this sucks too
unironically A Dangerous Method & Crimes Of The Future are Cron's best Viggo movies


Filtered like a motherfucker

DC powerrankings:
>its great
1. Videodrome
2. Crimes of the Future
3. Dead Ringers
4. eXistenZ
5. Crash
6. A Dangerous Method

>its decent
7. Maps To The Stars
8. The Fly
9. Cosmopolis

>its shit
10. A History Of Violence
11. Eastern Promises
12. Naked Lunch