
not like this...

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We live in the timeline with a successful three movie Sonic franchise.

is jim carrey still in it?

It’d be hilarious if the sequel to Avatar got cucked by a Sonic the Hedgehog movie.
But it’d also be hilarious if the Sonic the hedgehog movie got cucked because they thought they could compete with fucking Avatar.

I'm not too sure, barely any details have come out about it. The biggest speculation is that it'll be SA2 but movie form

Sonic has had a pretty good movie streak in general. Wouldn't be shocked if he just ditched gaming for it all together

Neither but at least there's a slim chance I might watch avatar at some point.

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You have to be insane to think Avatar 3 won't be delayed. Avatar 2 isn't even out yet.

>don't shit all over your main character
>actually listen to the fans (if it wasn't a marketing ploy)
>people watch your movie

Probably, they didn't find his body.
He'll probably wake shadow up from his sleep

Avatar 2 slated for release this Christmas, I would think they would have already delayed it if they were going to miss that date. However Disney's earning announcement is on Aug 10th, so if there is big news, we might hear it then.

Honestly I love how successful it is. Sega in Japan has basically nothing to do with it and it's the most successful the franchise has been in like 20 years. Incredible. Sonic Origins is a mess and Sonic Frontiers is looking like a wreck. Sega in Japan micromanaged the Sonic Boom franchise (even though it was supposed to be the western branch of Sonic) and it bombed. The Japanese people running Sega should be replacing by superior Gaijins.

Takashi Iizuka ruined Sonic Boom, especially the TV show

Didn't he retire from acting after Sonic 2?

You’re not a real autist if you don’t see both as a double feature.

Not to mention westerners keep giving us top-tier waifus

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He says that until his handlers reminded him that his art never makes a dime

I will watch Sonic 3. I will never watch Avatar 2. Avatar 1 was turbo-gay.

Sonic is counterprogramming and will benefit from more people going to the theaters

Can't I just pirate both?

Cut out the fucking retarded human characters and just give me a fun Sonic story.