House of the Dragon

>No D&D involvement
>GRRM is overseeing the project
>Matt Smith is the lead
Tell me not to get hyped lads because i'm getting hyped

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I’d be hyped if it wasn’t for the niggers honestly

Now this is Kino

what the fuck is up with these new Targaryen wigs? Daenerys and Viserys looked like they were born like that and yet these new ones looks like ass 100% of the time

I went to the supermarket the other day and saw 2 niggers. They were doing some wacky hand salute. One day I'll just snap, I know it

I just don't like watching niggers honestly.


Nobody cares

No matter how good the show might be, after the D&D shit show nobody cares anymore

Do it faggot

I hate them so much bro

I hate niggers but my favorite thing in the world is fucking niggress.
Am I weird?

>black characters in a fantasy setting? I am not going to watch this, I refuse

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Dany and Viserys' wigs looked natural in S1 only. After that her hair looked artificial and glued on, especially in later seasons. HOTD wigs seem better, I think.

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The only thing fatman is capable of overseeing is his food supply. You fags really think he is involved in this in any way besides HBO giving him shekels so that he can say he is to give this show more credit to the retarded fans?

Miyazaki pulled this same stunt just a few months ago and the gullible idiots brought it.

I think you'll find the GOT fanbase is now ready for more. They need to feed.

I hope it does well because I actually like a lot of the actors taking part

The black Valyrians are a big turn off but not a dealbreaker for me since it doesn’t feel like rings of power tier forced diversity

>matt smith

Same, it makes no fucking sense. Blackwashing is an immediate no form me.

>it doesn’t feel like rings of power tier forced diversity
But it is, and the showrunner explicitly said it was done on purpose, because they didn't want the Targs to be all whites
They literally just made the family most obsessed with "purity" into racemixers because oh no there aren't enough blacks on the screen at all times

it better have some actual fucking WRITING and DIALOGUE, because GOT ended up treating the screenplay like a film instead of a TV show, opting for long stretches of zero dialogue instead of actually progressing the story.

Basically if the pace of the first episode is like an episode from S8 instead of S1, I'll drop it there and then.

it'll be a pile of diversified shite

its a mass marketed soulless product


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