How about a magic trick? I'm gonna make this subway footlong™ disappear

>How about a magic trick? I'm gonna make this subway footlong™ disappear

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Do people really not save the other half for later?

Do people really eat Subway?

Attached: __original_drawn_by_mofuaki__a6e49b9f46ceae56b3018263215395bc.png (700x893, 641.41K)

lmfao stomachlet ngmi

>he doesn't buy two

Ask me how I know you're a faggot.
>He doesn't buy the sweet onion chicken teriyaki
Never gonna make it.

it almost certainly tastes better at any of the dozen local sub shops within walking distance

>let’s wind the microwave back, a year go these doctors and nutritionists wouldn’t dare cross any of you. I mean what happened, did your arteries clog up?

>eating an entire foot of a sandwich
do you have a steel reinforced toilet? jfc


>Will that be a 6 inch or a foot long?
Baby mine's bigger

Impossible. What kind of sick madman can eat an entire Subway footlong?

>It's simple. We eat the Batman.

I legitimately haven't had a sandwich from there in like five years. I've had the cookies in that time but can't remember the last time I had them.

I loved the Onion videos, especially Clifford Bane ones. Shame they stopped making them.

subway barely qualifies as food, let alone sustenance


>I know why you have your little hotdog eating contests in broad daylight, the Any Forumsman, see Any Forumsman has shown the boards your true BMI, /fph/ is just the beginning and as for the body positive's plan, Any Forumsman has no jurasdiction, he'll find him and shame him, I know the shamed when I see him and *points*
>what's your proposal
>it's simple we uh EAT the Any Forumsman
>If it's so simple why haven't you done it yourself
>If you're good at something never do it for free
>what do you want
>Half of your meals
>*groups laughter and snorting*
>you're crazy
>*deep laboured breath* no, no i'm not, if we don't deal with this now, soon, little plus size model here won't have mountain do to give to her childeren
>ENOUGH WITH THE FATPHOBIA *scarfs a twinkie*
>ah ah ah let's not DIEt here tonight *revealing salad in rolls*

Do you look at your poop before you flush it?

Attached: tahnsgibbing.jpg (751x626, 67.61K)


>You let 5 people starve.
> let Harvey Dent take your plate.

SubWay is healthy for you retard.