Why was ross so mad that phoebe didn't believe in evolution?

why was ross so mad that phoebe didn't believe in evolution?

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Because Ross was a pseud and Friends was a show for fat women and twinks.

She insulted his religion.

he was a jew trying to subvert her religion. Do you need to ask?

How else should he react? There is a limit to stupidity

You clearly have never lived with a scientist.

kikes attack religion in general to harm their host knowing they'll still have their ethnic support after the social decay

Ross was a textbook needy narcissist who couldn't handle people disagreeing with his worldview.
Most of my closest friends hold opposite political and religious beliefs to me and it's really not a problem because we like each other for our shared experiences, not our retarded takes on world politics.

Kind of funny since the theory of evelution has been disproven

city people hate rural folks and their beliefs. And vcie versa. Pheobe had a rural belief

I believe if I can remember 1997 correctly he is an archeologist?

The problem is that Ross's whole identity at that point was built around his job. Phoebe dismissing evolution was a personal affront to himself.

>rural folks don't believe in evolution
>Pheobe who lived in NYC all her live is rural

its a theory. its not proven. you cant even explain something simple like sharks or gators being completely unchanged in millions of years despite entire atmosphere composition changing drastically and going from ice ages to warming periods and other drastic environmental changes. literally were bottom of food chain tiny food for building sized dinosaurs at one point, yet didnt change in any way to combat that. then stayed the same as entire new ecosystem forms around them. not one change. millions of years.

explain your evolution since they had imperatives to change and literal atmosphere changes that should have promoted gigantism with nitrogren enriched atmosphere and so on. not. one. change. allegedly.

T. Retard who has no idea what a theory means in science.




>believe in
in adopting their rhetoric, he already lost

He browsed r/science and thinks people "against" evolution don't believe in bacteria and adaptation when in reality we just don't believe mankind came from monkeys because vaguely similar features, just because some ideas guy on an island vacation said so. They have no proof of it either they just make these absurd timelines so that you can't challenge them.
>well over 2 gazillion years these particles that came from nothing became monkey who then fucked until they became humans and their entire digestive system and DNA changed.

did u retards even watch this episode? at the end she was like im just fuckin with u stop being annoying

>DNA changed

well maybe not yours

Also Ross studies dinosaurs for a living


bro....how did you make it this far ..