Cast him

Cast him.

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why is his head so small?

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Timothee Chalamet. Dune Part 3 will be the Unification Wars anyways.

joe rogan

why would his real head be proportionate to his armor?
are you retarded?

i can see it.

it has to be him

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no he is already reserved for Vulkan

Attached: Primarch_Vulkan.jpg (1138x1080, 336.03K)

Brad Pitt


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>all of these actors will die before we get a good 40k movie.

>not having mads play chaos

>no names

how am I supposed to know who the characters are?


this is a 40k thread, if you are not into 40k get into it now or fuck off.

Fun fact, Vulkan and his Salamanders were not natural niggers, black skin was caused by exposure to Nocturne's sun which was pretty close to the planet. You have to find a black person with european face features for this role Muttlandia Niggers do not fit.

how am I supposed to get into it without any names for reference you dumb frogposter?`

Can someone put names on this? The other user is right.

Tommy Wiseau

>Jason Mamoa as a mongolian

Trump should make his leading roll debut.

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>t. spic in denial

because you dont get into it by knowing their names.
if the image had names it would still be useless to you.

I genuinely don't know what that means