Hi user! how was your weekend? do anything fun?

>hi user! how was your weekend? do anything fun?

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Do Americans really small talk at work like that?

How would I know? Not like I remember


>Yeah I went hiking
>oh wow user I love hiking
>cool maybe we should go together sometime haha
Is it really that easy bros?

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I hate work so much

Ya I fucking hate it. Usually it's just a pretext for them to start babbling about their lives

I'm still on my weekend. And yes, I shitposted on Any Forums with the boys.

Worked on my car, watched Prey. Planning a camping/fishing trip. You?

>no, nothing. Oh, I wish it was friday, Helly, don't you?

Wait, you guys have women at your work?

>Start working in a high performing team
>Some of the staff show up at 6-7am to start their day, refreshing to see some committed early birds
>A few months in realize there's only a small few 'high performers' that pull the team ahead
>Start working within each team to get a sense of their workload and process
>Everyone who begins before 9am shoots the shit and gossips for 2-3 hours
>Recommend that the early birds have to report in to one of the supervisors on-site to make sure they have tasks and oversight for those quiet hours
>75% of the early birds complain to management and unknowingly acknowledge they are deadweight
>Go back to a comfortable 10-6 schedule

hey wanna fuck after work?

I jerked off like 7 or 8 times I can't remember

I got high and drunk alone. Then the next day I was approached in the street by Jehova Witnesses who told me a lot of people are depressed and try to drown their sorrow in liquor and drugs. It was very unsettling.

If I were you I'd start wearing a kevlar vest into the office.

Most are ‘work hot’ but there are definitely some cuties. No one really wears too much makeup here either so you see how they really look.

I can fix her

Yes, I watched the '31 Frankenstein and Fall of the Roman Empire for the first time. Pretty kino, karen

there's always girls. mostly eye candy, because anything beyond that you don't even consider. that would be disgusting.

I don't think you understand how harmless the modern office environment is. Passive-aggressive is the most you will see when there's confrontation or friction. It's only senior management and execs that will have a nice, profanity-laden tirade when their direct reports or advisors are in the room.

>not getting paid to fuck your coworkers
What are you doing

>so you're free on Friday to hike
>oh no I'm going out with my friends
yeah user, so easy, haha

Save me Helly. Teach me how to be sociable and normal.

i don't remember duh