It wasn't that bad

It wasn't that bad

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>zero nigger


chuds hate it for no reason

i watched it while stoned af as a teenager and just laughed at how sparkly they were


i am a right vvinger and i like it

I like Twilight, Vampire Diaries and The Originals. They have something quintessential white teenager in the late 2000s to them.

It was mediocre for it's time but I'm willing to admit in 2022 it's a classic.

>no politics
>no race bait
>no female empowerment message

the first one is underrated kino and I'm tired of pretending it isn't

play Life is Strange, the best of that kind of kino

The worst thing about it was in the last movie when C dies beheaded and I started laughing because of how fake the head looked in a scene that should have been shocking and dramatic.

The only people who hated it were edgy 17 year old boys who were mad because they had to see a dumb romance movie with their girlfriends instead of a badass action movie.

Lol stupid "videogame" pozzed garbage with garbage plot
You are a really stupid person

>this much seething from a recommendation
yeah, that says enough

sorry brah, Any Forums is a LiS board >

It's better than anything that hollywood puts out now, that's for damn sure.

Uh excuse me please say Right VViafricanamerican or Right VViperson of color

I was in high school when this came out and went to see it in a big group of nerdy girls. I had a blast providing snarky commentary. That includes New Moon when Jacob got somewhat shreded

>it's great because it doesn't trigger me

You guys are unreal lmfao.

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Zoomer tier trolling. Low energy.

How is he wrong?

he's a leftist faggot who should kill himself and go back

unironically 2000s comfy kino

>not liking Life is Strange
You have no soul, and probably never had an adolescence.

Twilight was the last time that white girls threw white bois a bone - very few ppl were rly team jacob, they just called him a manlet. Girls quitely begged to watch a comfy PNW white cast movie and get fucked by BWC after, but whitebois just chimped out about it, made fun of it obessively. So they gave up on whites and moved on to blacks.