What the fuck were they thinking?

What the fuck were they thinking?

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Extremely hot, wish she didn't wax her arms.

I still don't even understand why this episode made people so angry

I rewatched this episode recently
>mfw I thought all the gang had superpowers but it was only this pajeeta and the rest were just old losers

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It was really fucking weird compared to what came before which was much smaller in scope and also dumping a shitload of new characters almost always rubs some people the wrong way especially when they try to give them all screen time because you already give a shit about someone else.

I wasn't made angry by it but it was also very nonsensical and out of place.

They were trying to spin off and it didn’t work

Simple as

show bobs and vagene

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It was mostly because it comes on right as the season is climaxing and it fucks up the pacing. Had it been placed a bit earlier on it wouldn't have been so badly received

>skrillex hair
>stronk womyn

when i first saw it i thought wtf but in retrospective it was fun and qt and much better than the s4 plotline of a dozen other kids doing the same thing as eleven

Literally cock-blocking the climax of the season.

they should've had eleven run away earlier and have all this spread throughout several episodes, not just one that's right after the biggest cliffhanger of the season

It's literally just a random side adventure that has no barring on the plot. S2 had one extra ep in it and it was as if someone just tacked this stupid crap on at the last min without thinking.

>indian woman in 80s hawkins
should been hot blonde

this character was originally going to be a dude name Roman.

She's a white boy in the comics

blonds are airheaded bimbos so no

Why do they so often grab the ugliest looking indians and blacks? If they're going to shove minorities down our throats why not at least make them attractive?

Was Stranger Things a comic?

There weren't any poojeets in America in the 80s. It was a simpler and cleaner time

did they ever even mention this chick again? she seemed like she had no consequence on the story whatsoever.

He should've lived

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No they arent

How was this British Pajeet elements sister again?