
This show is total kino and incredibly underrated.

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>Joss Whedon killed off Charisma Carpenter's character to punish her for getting pregnant
How was he not canceled?

To be fair her getting pregnant did fuck that one season all up.

I want to sniff her farts

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I think that this is probably one of the best opening songs to a tv show ever.

Millenial Kino. Zoomies will never know.

i enjoyed it at the time, but i doubt its held up well

I never watched Buffy at all, am I missing out?

Watch the silent episode, the one that won an Emmy.

It has. I just started rewatching it and I was amazed at how good the first season is. Thats why I made this thread.

Angel beats Buffy by a large margin. Just watch Angel

For me it's Cordy!

His real crime was putting Fred and Gunn together.

I did a rewatch a couple years ago after getting the series on DVD and it was still good.

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>How was he not canceled?
Kill yourself zoomer faggot

Maybe a few years ago. Now it’s no longer culturally relevant

I do think Angel can stand on its own but the first 3 seasons of Buffy are also kino. Watch Buffy 1-3 and then switch to Angel.

>How to properly close the series and sent a fuck you to the executives in charge: the season.

Angel Season 5 was kino of kinos.

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It's my favorite show of all time. I've seen "better" shows, but it doesn't change the fact this show has a special place in my heart and isn't likely to be replaced at any point. The villain Wolfram and Hart was a type of antagonist I had never seen before. A non-corporeal being that persisted in spite of it all.

And let's not forget the two biggest highlights for the show. Firstly, the masterful character development of Wesley Wyndam Pryce. And the second being the jaw dropping finale that was one of the best thematic conclusions to a saga close to ten years in the making. It didn't make sense at first. I wasn't mature enough to make sense of the "point". But now I appreciate it for what it is. The story it tells. And the message of "If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do."

Evil isn't meant to be overcome, it's just meant to be fought. I"m paraphrasing of course.

Attached: spike owns angel.webm (1920x1080, 2.87M)

I never really thought much about it but it was pretty cool how Wolfram and Hart stayed the primary villain and threat for all five seasons of the show but their schemes always felt new and interesting.

Neck yourself. Buffy and Angel are still better tv than almost everything from the last 20 years.

Buffy had higher highs and is rightly the more praised show, but Angel was more consistently good throughout its run, making Buffy pale in comparison during its later seasons.