How is this not released on Blu-Ray?

also general physical media thread I guess
no, hard drives do not count as physical media

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I can't imagine.

Boomer general

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I've been trying to watch true lies for a few years now but it's not available anywhere anymore.

For some reason a lot of Cameron’s stuff hasn’t made it to Blu-ray. The Abyss is the one that really needs a remaster.

There's a Spanish blu ray that's region unlocked so you just have to set the language to English and you're good to go

Stunt doubles would be too obvious

the running man also isn't on bluray

I need Maria Conchita Alonso's tits in 4k quality.

I'd buy it.

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Yes I enjoy renting all of my media and bowing when the offensive terms and licensed music expire on streaming services

t. you

The 35mm version has been my go-to for awhile now. Check that out if you can find it We're probably going to have to wait until Cameron dies and some greedy rights-holder demands their owed shekels before we get fresh transfers/releases.

Love that scene.

It was on AMC at least 3 times a week for a decade at least. You can also download an HD rip from a torrent. Or you could buy the DVHS if you're really gay.

who /littledick/ here

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Cameron has his head up his ass with the Avatar sequels right now. I hope that they succeed but if they don't at least he might get to transferring his older films.

Yes it is, my man

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Nah, I'm pretty sure he's done with all non-Avatar content now. He'll be trying to make that a thing until he dies.

that's a good thing
cameron would just ruin it

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They CGI'd Arnie's face onto the stunt double in the bike chase in T2 and it looked fine

Is this T2?

LD with AC3 THX Digital
>all too easy..