Why are there no straight couples in this?

why are there no straight couples in this?

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neil gaiman is a literal jew cuckold who watches other men fuck his disgusting pig whore of a wife

>watches a*gloidmedia
>complains about queers

why was literally everyone in a interracial relationship?

Why are there no Latinos or other brown people?

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>almost everyone race and gender swapped
Hmm I wonder, let’s check the producer’s names… Heinberg and Goyer. There we go

dont know dont care wont watch beyond the pilot

>Asking for straight couples on Any Forums

You should try reddit

>Any Forums
not even once

>a Gayman adaptation
really activates the almonds

rent free

Because the people that make the show hate you and want to depopulate you with the LGBT lifestyle.

All Any Forums ever did “wrong” is noticing patterns. The Jews own the West and they know it and every intelligent person of any colour and creed knows it. You guys with low intelligence mostly get to sit the cultural fight out so I understand why you are confused and frightened when
Any Forums shows you a pattern out of nowhere.

i got enough real estate up there, you're welcome

checked and now back to your containment board with you

the comics are fantastic. Watching ep 1 now, and it looks like a retard has filmed it. Looks like absolute shite, blurry and distorted.

This. 75% of Any Forums is just repeating things Jews say themselves.

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>Creators: Neil Gaiman, David S. Goyer, Allan Heinberg
Oh it's the jews again

There was really only one functional heterosexual marriage in GoT and that died at the end of season one.

>Green, berg, silver, stein
>Every. Single. Fucking. Time.

>ask about heterosexuality

The only straight white couple is abusive


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