So what's the greatest action movie of all time? Singular film

So what's the greatest action movie of all time? Singular film.
By the way HEAT isnt an action film, and TDK is numale trash.

Attached: I like hairy pussy.jpg (1920x1029, 1.49M)

Problem child 2


I see a good flick and two redditized unnecessary sequels


Aliens, hands down


Aliens is the best action movie because of the chemistry between Ripley and Newt

That was originally going to be included in the op pic

But if I had to pick from your pic related, then T2. Second place (first place loser) goes to Die Hard.
Love Aliens, but its premise hasn't weathered well.


The raid 2

Die Hard of those three, as it is a pure action movie, the others happen to have action too, but aren't designed to be pure action movies, their sci-fi components are equally if not more important. Dredd (2012) would be a counter-example for a pure action movie with a sci-fi setting that happens to be coincidental.

There's no undisputed greatest, though if I had to say, my top 10 would be:

1. Conan The Barbarian
2. Hara-Kiri (1962)
3. Predator
4. Brotherhood of the Wolf
5. The Raid 2: Berandal
6. Batman Begins
7. Terminator 2: Judgment Day
8. Underworld: Evolution
9. Gladiator
10. Ninja Assassin


Attached: Danny Devito as The Terminator, cinematic, Eastman 5384 film.png (512x512, 464.17K)

T2 and it's not even close

>batman begins
Opinion discarded.

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Batman Begins and Gladiator action movies?

you know it, brother.
Die Hard and Aliens didn't get a Disney World ride.

Die Hard


John Wick 2
Now seethe.