This really brings the spirit of Jackie Chan movies very well

This really brings the spirit of Jackie Chan movies very well

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>Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao

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This show ROCKS

I used to have a crush on her when I watched this as a kid


jade... tomboy... cunny

I used to love this show when I was a youngster. Really good stuff.

Cast the inevitable live action movie

It might be a little controversial but Jackie Chan

Why does it have Jackie's name in it when he didn't really participate in the production?

Just to cash in on his name but at least the show is good so who cares

Are you autistic?

Which region of Ch*na behaves like this?


>as a kid

They're american yellow wiggers

As jade? Weird choice but I can see it

yeah you dumb pedophile, cute kid

>collect the 10 talismans
>collect the 12 demons
Why did every season boil down to this?

Magic items are cool

Let's settle this once and for all Jackie or El Toro?

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El Toro (no talisman)

Fairly easy setup for an adventure to lots if different locations.


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Alright, if you could have the powers of 3 talismans, which would you choose?

You can only defeat magic with magic

No El Toro

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ox, rooster, horse