I've never played the games, and honestly as an adventure treasure hunting movie its pretty decent...

I've never played the games, and honestly as an adventure treasure hunting movie its pretty decent. The girls are hot too. What was everyone's problem with it?

Attached: uncharted.jpg (675x1000, 881.81K)

The movie felt like the game but better. And Marky Mark amplifies anything he's in.

Also I wouldn't recommend playing the game, its full of brazilians.

The games are simply much better and the casting was all wrong for Nate and Sully. They completely lack the chemistry and charm of those characters in the games. The movie is also a weird mashup of set pieces and ideas from the games, and is like a rewrite of Uncharted 4's story with scenes from the others tossed in. In a bubble, I guess I would have enjoyed it, but it's a pretty mediocre and soulless movie compared to what it's based on.

Game is better, in any case if it didn't have uncharted as a name it would have been regarded as a good movie, maybe even called kino by some

>I've never played the games
Games? What games? I remember a trilogy of movies under the "Uncharted" namesake, but I don't recall any games for that matter. I find it funny how Snoy made a movie adaptation of a movie franchise to begin with. There's an oxymoron in there somewhere.

originally wahlberg was supposed to play drake, but it got stuck in development for 10 years and for him to be sully they needed to cast the twink as drake

don't know if it's some sony shit with him being spiderman

Attached: Screenshot 2022-08-07 09.16.14.png (554x580, 479.38K)

>the games are better
Don't let Any Forums hear you.

>don't know if it's some sony shit with him being spiderman
It's this. Sony been run by corporate dipshits for decades and they picked Holland specifically for marketability.

it's a soulless cash grab

Holland should have just played Drake's younger version

>action set pieces broken up by puzzle solving

>action set pieces broken up by puzzle solving

it was good, I don't know how else you would make a faithful adaptation

They are and Any Forums knows it. The only people who hate the games are just seething Nintendrone trannies as usual.

On the level of pacing and feel it was solid, but the bad casting definitely hurts it

Tom Holland as Nathan was a complete miscast. Charisma of a wet blanket and can't act

The casting is mind-bogglingly awful. Also, the games are well-liked and fairly recent in everyone's minds. Fans felt like if there was going to be a movie it should have happened after the first game and they should have got Nathan Fillian to play the role.

v was just mad at Nadine being a black queen.

You're not funny

The story in the games are trash, the games are fun because you get to control the character in the over the top set pieces. Remove the ability to control the character in over the top set pieces and the only thing left is the trash story, which is what this movie is.

Holland as Nate and Wahlberg as Sully is something you'd expect from an unfunny SNL skit, where the joke is that they are so fucking ill suited to portraying those two characters

I think it's cause he has a dumb face. I'm not saying he actually is stupid, but he doesn't have the face/eyes are suggests he's a razor sharp intelligence. Like Johnny Depp in 2003 as Jack Sparrow had a face and eyes that conveyed a smart, manipulative mind. Tom simply looks like he should be some working class dumb but good natured industrial worker in Victorian England who shouts obscenities at the antagonist in a thick cockney accent

Number 2 was the best bet for a movie adaption. Story is still pretty weak but it mogs the shit out of the other 4 and the story is out there and fun enough to be a passive viewing experience

Tom Holland's punchable twink face.

Nah, that's Chalamet. Holland isn't emanciated and is a weird mix of looking like a thug but having the personality of a soft artfag.

Because it’s wearing the Uncharted name like a skinsuit. This is like some early 2000s adaptation that sucks hard.

it felt like I was asleep because I was

I hate both equally.

Holland would be easier to have a drink with. Chalamet may be too far up his own ass to make for light company