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What am I in for?

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It's absolutely horrible. Seriously. Do not watch this.

It’s absolutely kino. Seriously. Watch this.

They paid Grillo 2 million bucks for each of these movies.

I'm gonna watch it

This movie is so low budget and badly written it is essentially incoherent

Wow they roped the white monkey who plays the evil white dude in all those shitty Chinese propaganda action movies into this

no no stop
I watched it because Grillo and Willis
absolutely unwatchable, not even in a fun way
it looks like a couple students in the woods making a movie with lasertag armor sets
there's literally not a single redeeming feature

watch Boss Level instead
you will thank me later

It is bad, so bad it doesn't even have entertainment value. I could recreate this movie for 300 bucks and a sandwich

The last years of Willis are kino in themselves.
>diagnosed with alzheimers
>have grand family
>spend all the time you can give to make movies
>they are all utter trash, but you rake in the money just because of your fame

Or maybe he just got exploited like a cow.

I watched 3 or 4 of his dementia movies, they were all utterly terrible, don't think any one of them made any money at all.
I don't even know how they could afford him, even at very discounted rates, these movies all had zero budget.

Same. He didn't even seem alive in those 2 Fortress movies.

What are some essential Grillo flicks?

The 'Tears in the Rain' speech means a lot more to me because I have early onset Alzheimer's. I can feel the memories leaving me, slipping through my fingers, I want to cry anytime someone brings up something and I just don't remember any of it. I find myself confused at the most ordinary things, I want to fix myself, but I can't. I can just sit back and wait for everything that was me is lost to time, only remembered by others.

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I watched a Red Letter Media episode about them and its clear his scenes were all filmed in a single day. He is never in the same shot as other actors.
It's the definition of a cash grab. He made like half of what the movies brought in.

wasnt bad. I liked it. It is a bit B movie at times but overall a p good flick. Prob a lot better than it deserved to be. There is one terrible actress in it, I mean she is bad, but the rest is kino fr fr no cap

ah yes in all the movies you can literally see his body double in most of the scenes where he is not facing the camera and talking.

Bruce Willis phones shit in because he has dementia. Was forced to watch the worst movie I've ever seen with him playing Lobe in a supervillian prison.

Sold. Where can I watch it?

2001 a space Odessey meets Star Wars meets Anime on Crack but 100x better than all of that

That shit scares me more than outright dying.
I'm pretty set to walk off a cliff before I become a nursing chase.

I'd like alzheimers if it meant I could forget all the bad things and just play old games and enjoy them

Have you been diagnosed officially yet? Would you be willing to take part of an experiment that doesn't require to be prodded at all.
