A bug's life was dangerously redpilled

A bug's life was dangerously redpilled

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A grasshopper landed on me the other day and I started flailing around like an autist on fire.
I don't like bugs, man.

Don't change the topic retard

what was up with that scene where Hopper sexually harassed Flick and touched his ant dick?

I liked it more than the other ant movie that came out that year, and I'm surprised it's a minority opinion.

cant believe they would out jews like that

Bird Hitler did nothing wrong.

why did two ant movies come ut bsically one after the order ? shit's crazy

it was a different time

Antz isn't even a movie made for little kids. It was seriously bizarre.
>ant gets head blown off in war
>other ant holds his decapitated head as it shares his last words

btw even now arabs outnumber jews in israel

>embarassing gamer language

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Katzenberg was fired from Disney while Bugs Life was in production and rushed out Antz to try to beat Bugs Life.

It used to happen all the time.

>Road to El Dorado - Atlantis
>Finding Nemo - Shark's Tale
>Despicable Me - Megamind

>Antz : october 98
>Bug's Life : november 98
Antz was originally slated for march 99, but it would've looked pretty bad since Bug's Life would've finished its theatrical run by then, so they worked extra hours and finished it first

two ant movies with a plot based around communism at that

How is Bug's Life centered around communism?

Hollywood ninjas are real.

Power of the masses

Basically one stole the idea from the other, one guy left Disney and just brought his idea to Pixar (or whatever company it was), while Disney made their (shitty soulless kiddy friendly) version of it.

That's a big stretch there, user