Brad Pitt's Bullet Train movie made only $30 at the box office

Brad Pitt's Bullet Train movie made only $30 at the box office.

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And people say Brad Pitt is a movie star, he’s a fraud

$15 per ticket so it was probably Brad Pitt and whichever woman whose cheeks he's currently clapping.

>hits the rails
Shouldn't it be "runs off the rails"?

>$90m budget
Why are movies so incredibly expensive now?

Literally just me and the seat I booked for my "girlfriend" to bypass the no singles policy

It opened in Ukraine where the ticket prices are $0.000000001 each. So it's not a bad opening


jumped the rains

I saw it with 3 friends so that's bullshit

extreme demand for effects houses and not enough effects houses to fill in

$30 BUCKS!?
lmao no one will hire this has-been after the flop of the century
good riddance fuck this chud

derails into a cesspit

Pretty much entirely because of actor salary. No joke

Brad Pitt got paid 30M for Bullet Train

filming everything in a CGI studio costs a lot of money

Fuckface deserves it after making a le ebin impeachment joke in his Oscars speech

3 for free!

Not like this..... not like this......

Braddu Pittu BTFO.

It's over for Brad Pitt, train movies, and weeb movies

how can a train be a bullet?

Attached: thinking black guy.png (540x360, 153.74K)

>it's a flop it's a box-office bomb
that makes me like it even more desu

>Why are movies so incredibly expensive now?
Money laundering is a standard part of the film making process now and budgets by necessity reflect that.

>brad pitt got btfo'd by tom cruise this summer
oh no no no no no