Do you think Henry has a chance at another Superman movie or Bond?

Do you think Henry has a chance at another Superman movie or Bond?

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He's such a poser fag

Yes. This man was born to play Superman and would be a kino Bond.

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you mad?

I unironically have a better face than this guy and yet he still can get all the pushy he wants

Chad energy ain't stopping yet.


I hope so. Me on the left

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Post your face. You might get scouted

He has unlimited money and pussy, and never has to work again.

Everyone on /tg/ knows what he truely wants, time to paint his models. Making movies gets in the way of that.

Do you think he assembled her kit and airbrushed her models?

she immediately went and flicked her bean in the staff loos after this

Seems like a sponsored post to me, I think his trip to warhammer world was a paid one too. He seemed not interested in any nerd shit before superman.

why didn't he get chromax blacks?

Do people really still stuff RGB LEDs into their PC cases? Seems like something that was cool 15 years ago

Who’s ass? Is that the lady from mission impossible?

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Since JOKER is a success, he should've pitched an R-Rated Superman

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No. It's Sarah Gadon.

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Dude used to play warcraft, also had the nickname "Fat Cavill".

Henry a cute.

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He was chubby as a kid, he stretches the truth a little this was him at 17

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I can't tell If he is trying to market himself as a gamer to try to get into his "favorite" video game adaptions or he genuinely likes gaming. The fact he attention whores on his instagram over the most trivial stuff, where it's also known that Hollywood executives lurk as a way to get to know the actors, proves he's a cynical retard

Lol mogged so hard he can't even make eye contact with gandy.

The Count of Monte Cristo was kino.

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He doesn’t even run his Instagram most of the time, it’s run by the rocks ex wife who’s his agent. It’s 90% ads these days he’s more of an influencer than an actor.

>Not using superglue to make it airtight.

I think its unironically both. He seems to genuinely enjoy gaming but uses it as a way to market himself as "that super nerdy but Chad hollywood actor"

his arms are too short to play bond