Why did Any Forums tell me this kino was bad

Why did Any Forums tell me this kino was bad

Attached: 1659865518397.jpg (458x670, 113.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>goodfellas long shot
>kino shot of them entering the club and mingling with loads of people

>irishman long shot
>nothing fucking happens


>here's that kino I was telling you about

Marty made fun of capeshit

Because Any Forums now is a bunch of trannies and zoomers who either watch everything on 5x speed or skip 80% of the scenes of any movie or show unless it's Marvel.

Any Forums did tell you it was actually great, but the posts got buried under Disney psyops and brainwashed NPC shitposts.

>here's that senior aged sellout attempting to redeem his image i was informing you of

Attached: teenager_attacks_shop_owner.webm (1280x720, 2.4M)

>here's that webm i stole from Any Forums of a movie i never watched but post about it like a fagot

What was Marty thinking?

>I want to make the mob look shitty and uncool

yeah this desu it looks like shit but it's supposed to still a terrible scene

>No, Frank, no! He's had enough, you're going too far!

there's a fight in The Godfather that is just as shitty because you can clearly see that sonny is only punching the air but no one talks about that because there weren't any forums for fags to complain about everything

So if this scene ruins the Irishman, surely this ruins The Godfather for you faggots too

Despite this the film is still amazing, zoomy zoom zoom.

The way he films violence is always a bit off like that (this one just happens to also have an actor we all know is a senior citizen). He tries to bring focus to the emotion/brutality of the character involved instead of having it be visceral for the audience. We're not supposed to think what they're doing is cool and the way he shoots violence is just as blunt and unpolished as the characters involved.

>The way he films violence is always a bit off like that
Not true in the slightest. Youre just making shit up to defend Marty but you're just making him look worse. Shut the fuck up and watch more of his movies

>surely this ruins The Godfather for you faggots too
>The Basedfather

Good god this is bad. If that was supposed to be believable, the door must have been fitted with 2mm picture frame glass

I showed my girlfriend this and she immediately got pissed when for 5 minutes they kept hyping "You never smoke in this mans car, you never do it!" and then his wife just whips out a cigarette and starts smoking and bullies him into pulling over lmao

It's not a bad movie but having Deniro try to play a dude in his 20's just makes it rediculous, if Marty had just cast someone more age appropriate it would have been a much much better film