How's the star trek trilogy

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Garbage, just like Nu-Star Wars

Good enough.

I thought it was cool and less virginy and lame

>How's the generic space action movie trilogy with the star trek brand slapped on it for pop culture recognition?
It sucks, stick with the original

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Star Trek only in name.

It's Abrams slop.

The first one had none of the kind of stuff I like about Star Trek in it. It was just a silly, bad, generic action movie where seemingly every other scene was people running around really fast. The whole thing kinda felt like a committee of lame Hollywood hacks got together and thought "You know, how can we reboot Star Trek for the kids? What do the kids like? I know, they like young actors running around all the time and shiny CGI and things exploding! Let's do that!"
So I never bothered to watch the other two. Unsurprisingly, the same thing happened with JJ's Star Wars. I watched The Force Awakens, hated it, and had no desire to watch the subsequent movies.

The second was every bit as bad. The third suffers a lot from being a sequel to the other two trashfires but being written and directed by someone who actually likes Star Trek made it rather fun.

absolutely based

Much more based than any "OG" star wars material, pull yer heads out yer arses, cunts.

They're infinitely better than the Star Wars prequels and its sequel trilogy. They're also much better than STD/Picard. I'd put them on about the same level as Solo (they're far from great but entertaining enough that you'll enjoy them unless you distinctly have a biased aversion to them). Sure, some of the stuff is dumb but it could have been much much worse and what's good about them is good. Simple as.

I saw the first two and thought they were pretty good. Probably helps that I don't like Star Trek though.

Fun AAA popcorn movies, very nicely shot and VFX / sound.

Disposable trash.

It's the best Star Trek for people who don't really like Star Trek.

It's Star Trek for midwits.

Funnily, JJ claimed to like Star Wars but he fucked up Star Wars just as bad as he fucked up Star Trek.

The most hardcore trekkie I knew (one of my dad's friends who was a huge fan since he was a kid and had a bunch of memorabilia in his man cave) thought the first one was fun. I never asked him what he thought of II but he mentioned he liked the 3rd one as well. They're alright as long as you don't expect them to be just like Star Trek was up until the Next Gen movies. They're like better versions of those with enough seperation that it isn't tonally jarring to see a modern take on them. Picard/STD are 100% awful though.

Disposable popcorn movies. First one was watchable, second was trash, third one was rather good.

I hated JJ Trek but yeah, I do think that it is also fair to point out that the Next Gen movies are mostly bad. Unlike JJ's stuff, the Next Gen movies at least still respect the setting but all of them are disposable and forgettable. Apparently Patrick Stewart was bored with playing Picard as a diplomat and wanted to do more action stuff with the character.

That was his choice? Fuck.

Yes, at least according to what I've seen some people say around various Star Trek message boards.