Mmaisie Williams comes out as transgender

Will be called Mike

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she actually looks hotter with the buzzcut than she has in years. cope, user.

christ look at that perfectly spherical head. should be bamed Karl

Would hardly be the least like one.

Although KStew will be next

Now if she could do something about those eyebrows…

Is ther anything this munter fetal alcohol syndrome whore won't do for attention?

Why is her head so small

The poor girl hit the wall at such a young age. I really feel for her

natural beauty user, you're showing your age with this reply

no? she just shaved her head

r/whoosh xD


turns out right, little tranny fella

Attached: Spherical.jpg (640x636, 30.11K)

There’s only one Mike Williams

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Attached: spherically enchanced.jpg (480x360, 13.36K)

Jahn...put your dick away Jahn...

>attention starved twat does current trendy attention seeking thing
Stop the presses. I'm amazed the usual suspects haven't labelled this turning of transgenderism into a fashion statement as transphobic.

poor girl had to take anti growth drugs for her role and then got ended like that... would fuck anyone up

Head like a fucking orange

Did she do it because she was frequently mistaken for that Dora girl?

Quasimodo lookin hecka slammin