How did Andrew Tate blow up all around the internet?

Is he legit?

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Andrew Tate, the anapologetic dude who says how it is and doesn't give a shit.

No, who asked faggot.

The latest quadroon father figure for zoomers, since their nigger one bailed on them

looks like another loser who needs his head caved in

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I'd never heard about this guy until the shills on this board started posting him

Learn how to spell, retarded astroturfing faggot.

There's a reason why he doesn't have any female fans.

He'd cave your head, kid.

>looks like another loser who needs his head caved in
go to the gym, lardass

>No, who asked faggot.
You did, lardass

No wonder you like this turbo nigger who talks like a low iq retard

>I'd never heard about this guy until the shills on this board started posting him
well maybe it is a sign that you need Tate the most? He is god among zoomers but even us boomers can appreciate some of his messages and general style of life. He lives luxuriuous life and doesn't "save" money in jew banks. He spends it and does whatever and enjoys life.

Is he bald?

He's trying to act like a made man, when he ends up owing even more money to the Romanian mob they'll behead his monkey ass and dump him in a ditch somewhere

Attached: tate2.jpg (640x480, 32.66K)

>There's a reason why he doesn't have any female fans.
lol he fucks females, unlike you, lardass. Simps are best female fans. He doesn't need approval of roasties he he can fuck different slut everyday

I'm sorry shill but we're a bit disillusioned with new astroturfed e celeb grifters right now. Go kys kthx, faggot.

I find it funny that this literal poser lives rent free in so many heads

>How did Andrew Tate blow up all around the internet?
Obvious Jewish astroturfing of the manosphere bullshit to pit men and women against each other in light of the 2024 elections

go to bed andrew

Lol, imagine defending a retarded pinheaded mutt like Andrew Tate. You pathetic faggots need to off yourselves immediately.

>He's trying to act like a made man, when he ends up owing even more money to the Romanian mob they'll behead his monkey ass and dump him in a ditch somewhere
it is always jealous simps with no money who shout the loudest how Tate is gonna lose it all. Yet here he is, spending his cash on bitches and cars and doesn't give a fuck what some simp from Taiwan thinks about him. Get a life

I have sources and documents that prove the kind of person he is. He is a legit gangster involved in human trafficking and a lot of shady businesses. Michaela Peterson is one of his regulars and they both plotted to send Jordan Peterson in his darkest hour to a Russian gulag where they put him into a coma and destroyed his spirit. Jordan Peterson's dream was to create an online university and his daughter together with Tate took all the infrastructure and the servers, modified the content and creates hustlers university with a multi level marketing twist. He moves people in and out of Russia as he wants ans most of the girls that live in his mansion are poor siberian girls trying to escape poverty. He is a dangerous and an ambitious man.

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is that suppose to be a bad thing?

always praising islam but still not convert and become muslim

>lol he fucks females
He fucks asian prostitutes after paying them. Every time you see him with a woman in a video its some ugly asian maid that doesn't look like she even speaks english.

Imagine being some pajeet in Bangladesh being paid in naan to write this garbage

This. Same reason all the abortion nonsense came out of nowhere. Dems have literally 0 decent candidate but they don't need one if they just convince the masses that right-wingers literally hate women and want their rights revoked.

>I'm sorry shill but we're a bit disillusioned with new astroturfed e celeb grifters right now. Go kys kthx, faggot.
we? Who are this "we"? Are they in a room with us?
lol what a pathetic schizo lardass. Go drink some ssri cocktails and go back to fortnite

No it just shows that his worldview and personality doesn't attract women like he says.

A man with severe daddy issues.
Funny though.

>Lol, imagine defending a retarded pinheaded mutt like Andrew Tate. You pathetic faggots need to off yourselves immediately.
imagine sitting in your basement, all sweaty and fat and drinking soda all day long, doing practically nothing with your life, just being mindless drone in front of PC screen and screeching like a fat ugly tranny with a rope wrapped under his neck

Andrew Tate? More like Andrew Not So Great lmao hit it boys
>Ra ra Rasputin
>Lover of the Russian queen
>There was a cat that really was gone
>Ra ra Rasputin
>Russia's greatest love machine
>It was a shame how he carried on

All the people who it's obvious to that you're being paid like a slave to post these threads is "we". Atleast, I hope you're being paid, I can't imagine being pathetic enough to sincerely shill for this faggot.

>He fucks asian prostitutes after paying them. Every time you see him with a woman in a video its some ugly asian maid that doesn't look like she even speaks english.
maybe you should watch more than one of his videos, cuck? It is easy to get chicks, be anapolegetic, be fit and assertive. You can do this!

>Imagine being some pajeet in Bangladesh being paid in naan to write this garbage
imagine being lardass living in some alabama desert fucking your fat sister and screeching like a tranny that some successful dude from Europe has it all and you have nothing.

>Y-y-youre a loser if you don't like this new e celeb!!!
Jesus christ, please kill yourself immediately

But.... repubs do.

If they could vote on one positive thing for American people I'd support them

He has to pay women to hang out with him. You're right, it's easy if you're rich and go to a poor country.

>duh being a pussy slave is tge MeANiNg oF liFE

Yep, its clear as day its completely artificial. Just another grifter sanctioned by globohomo

People are now ironically liking tate here. When will this hell end

Is it bad if I can't stand putting my fingertips together like that? It feels uncomfortable and somewhat anxious? (I don't know how to describe this feeling right), so I have to keep my fingers slightly crossed.

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The post that killed a career

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Lmao you misspelled it again wtf, are you actually retarded

He blew up because he started a pyramid scheme where people pay him to advertise his stuff

Verified retard



I'm not sure what's worse, this fag posting on Any Forums and getting butthurt, or some user simping for him this hard

/lit/bros... how do we recover from this?

>I have adhd now allow my shitty lisp and brain damage to teach you how to be a man

He certainly isn't a good role model
Degenerate as fuck

>i cant read

women are made for fucking, no need for them to be fans

Hmm he actually does have that recessive chin thing going on lol, and he's hiding it with his soi boy beard.

>Jesus christ, please kill yourself immediately
only if you start going to gym and lose all that fat around your waist.

absolute smoothbrain. I know if I ever have to spend time in prison at least I'll be able to enjoy reading all day.

>, cuck
People go back to r/thedonald or whatever Instagram meme page you crawled out from

>People are now ironically liking tate here. When will this hell end
well it makes discord trannies and Any Forums lardasses seethee like hell. It's a plus

Guy looks like he wipes his mouth after taking a shit

>Y-youre fat, please give tate money please! I can't be the only one retarded enough to shill for this guy!!!
I'm not fat but, you sure are a pathetic retard mayn.

You can't fuck women without them consenting. They need to be fans for them to consent.

Oh no no no

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