Please, Mr. Nixon, we're appealing to your sense of decency

>Please, Mr. Nixon, we're appealing to your sense of decency.
Why did they all laugh?

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They were formerly not appealing to his sense of decency

The boomer writers had Nixon Derangement Syndrome

for forty years

It's an allusion to the moment when Army's lawyer in the McCarthy hearings asked McCarthy if he had no sense of decency. Richard Nixon was president of the Senate at the time, and thus was closely following the hearings chaired by Senator Joseph McCarthy.

because nixon ended the war in vietnam and outmaneuvered the soviets by opening up china

nixon got us off the gold standard and destroyed america

The gold standard was choking America.
Fait vsgold is the exzactly same thing, the feds used to buy and sell gold to manipulate the price too.
The only fucking difference is with gold foreign governments can dump gold and affect your currency. WHICH IS EXACTLY what was happening and why Nixon left it

Nixon wasn't perfect but no leader is
He did things he believed in, juggled the crisis of a decade that was the seventies and got kicked out of office for what the CIA does in secret all the time

>The gold standard was choking America.
We had the greatest economic growth in american history under the gold standard.
The gold standard was choking the GOVERNMENT, not the american people and that's why it was destroyed.
>The only fucking difference is with gold foreign governments can dump gold and affect your currency. WHICH IS EXACTLY what was happening and why Nixon left it
We got off the gold standard because the government wanted to get into even MORE debt.

kek getting off the gold standard is exactly what the cia wanted

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Nixon is Orange Manbad for boomer liberals except even more Satanically evil. That said, compared to Trump he deserves his reputation a whole hell of a lot more considering the Plumbers were pretty much his own personal gang of criminals to use against political opponents.

Cheap shots at politicians/politics are the absolute worst form of comedy.
Rent free

>we had the greatest economic growth in american history
Yeah like the 1930's. Gold convertibility was pretty stupid and Nixon was right to drop it because other countries realized there's no reason to hold dollars when they can just have the gold. Also there was a hell of a lot more dollars than gold.

>I'm meeting you halfway you stupid hippies!

and wigs

>Yeah like the 1930's.
no like from after the civil war until 1930 you absolute retard lmfao
the great depression happened due to government intervention btw

>Gold convertibility was pretty stupid and Nixon was right to drop it
It's incredible how brainwashed you retards are by elites that want to reduce your living standards

Watching this episode now feels so dated and quaint. Liberals in the 80s and 90s and 00s created this myth of an incomparably evil contemporary man in Richard Nixon. The way they talk about Trump now is similar, but Nixon's crime was trying to cheat in an election and old hippies like Groening were still seething about it in 2003. All because he stood in the way of JFK at one point and because he put an end to their summer of love

nixon was terrible for the economy
he was a socialist basically

>got us off the gold standard
>wage and price controls
>epa and destruction of energy production
>endless spending and taxes

THX, rest of the answers are gay and JIDF

I'm not even gonna lie, i disliked Nixon because every establishment source disliked Nixon but that single quote "The press is the enemy, the establishment is the enemy, the professors are the enemy" was so on point it completely turned me around; dude apparently knew what was up. If contemporary politics has taught you anything you can't trust history when it is written by your enemies

I'm not saying he was even a good President, but he wasn't someone worthy of decades of seething later

Because Nixon was caught spying on his political opponents using a tape recorder as opposed to every previous Democrat president since Bush who has used the entire intelligence apparatus of the US to spy on them and all of loved ones

Yep, Nixon was actually a highly intelligent, interesting man, he had a good heart contrary to what people will tell you, he was the Trump of the 70s

Yup, this. I bet we'll be seeing Trump used in pop culture the same way for the next 40 years.

Actually it feels the opposite, like Trump is fading from public consciousness already

>Breaking into people's houses and mess up the place
That Nixon line used to kill me especially the delivery. He's so unhinged that he's literally a madman breaking into homes to break shit

>Yup, this. I bet we'll be seeing Trump used in pop culture the same way for the next 40 years.
Gosh you think?

>Nixon Derangement Syndrome
Unironically this. Nixon made journos seethe

>The gold standard was choking the GOVERNMENT, not the american people and that's why it was destroyed.
'I am become base, the destroyer of bad faith players'

Haha yeah, good one.