Why are they like this?


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Is she promoting NFTs? lmao

Why are women incapable of moving on from rape? Yeah I get that it's traumatic and all but fucking hell, you just gonna cry about it your whole life? My sister was molested when she was 8 and she still whinges about it 20 years later. Put a fucking sock in it you dumb cunts.

Their hunger for attention is greater than their capacity for shame.

rape is pretty based

>lil chuddie is mad
Kek. Every time


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majority of the users here whine 24/7 about being virgins, get a fucking grip user

post pics of your sister

This isn't an argument, they're pathetic losers

This, male rape victims just become gay and/or pedos themselves instead of whining like bitches

this post is a lot funnier if you were the molester

i hope you get molested by a priest

Try being raped and report back

promote my nft sir

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It's because deep down a female cannot fully process sex being weaponized

I was 19 in 2003 and got real into gay emo bands (not good ones like MCR) and dressed in girl pants with a white belt and a Driver track jacket, before it existed, and had a gay haircut too. And one day a creepy mexican dude followed me around town in a truck for like half an hour saying I was cute. After that day I shaved off my flock of seagulls haircut and wore a plain tee shirt and regular shorts and then no Mexican guy ever said I was cute ever again. Makes you think.

Yeah they're fucking losers too. What's your point?

>Why are women incapable of moving on from rape? Yeah I get that it's traumatic and all but fucking hell, you just gonna cry about it your whole life? My sister was molested when she was 8 and she still whinges about it 20 years later. Put a fucking sock in it you dumb cunts.

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I'm sure I'd cry about it at first too but 10, 20 years later? Are you serious? Why the fuck would you let this shit dominate your life like that? What happened was horrible but you need to grow a pair and move on with your life.

Imagine how bad it is for women

Rape is just sex when you don't feel like it.

Women deserve it, God gave them periods for being the scum they are

Because the immune system is transferred through the womb, so rape compromises the immune system of future children

why does everyone on Any Forums take shit so seriously? can't we just funpost?

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>someone out there actually believes this

ofc they do, they're virgins 24/7
are girls getting raped 24/7? No! so shut the fuck up

when you're raped your "pair" is taken and fed to you. You'd probably repress it into some sort of insecure and indirect rage judging from your comments and already abnormal agitation with rape in the first place.
There are plentyyy of people who are raped who react with "yea i was raped s-so what it doesn't affect me cause im not a pussy!" and in a way those people are almost more cringe. They lash out at the world anyway in denial cause they're a fuckin mess even still.

you're an absolute retard

Idk what ur talkin about, OP's post has me laughing. I'm a huge fan of victim blaming. The concept itself is liberal brainwashing. Sometimes they're just asking for it.

no argument detected

TikTok is so fucking trashy...
That track is pretty good though.

>stress compromises the immune system
not that complicated