Overated film tbh

My girlfriend hated the movie too. She said it was boring. Thanks for the recommendation Any Forums.

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>Expecting a woman to understand this kino

Women's rights were a great mistake

I haven't seen this film since 9th grade


Man, that's a shame. Also, I've never known any girl to like this movie.

Some of the girls in my class did.

It's a movie for men not femoids.

It's a meme movie that was forced by some samefag hard enough until it took off, just like every other meme nowadays

For what reason? Did they ever say?

I beleive it. Its certainly not as good people say it is.

low t thread


I’ve known several. All with a connection to the military though.



They will never be men, no matter how hard they try to pretend

It's a 10/10 movie, you low-T tastelet redditor.

You think a woman would understand? This isn't a movie. This my friend, is a dream. A dream every red blooded male wants to live.

>literally the best movie since LOTR only possibly equalled by Maverick
Op is a faggot who let's his femdom tell him what to think. Kys

What that onions does to a mfer...

This has to be bait

Double dubs of truth. Next, OP will let his girlfriend make him take titty skittles and chop his dick off.