Men don't hit the wal-

>men don't hit the wal-

Attached: 094F8BD2-A5AF-4F61-8458-F2945788FFB1.jpg (720x404, 36.73K)

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Its over

Sometimes women hit the wall so hard it affects their ex-partners

Brendan Fraser as Judge Holden in Blood Meridian

those are prosthetics and makeup for his last movie, he's not that fat

Jesus Christ how many times it /tv gonna post this picture trying to bait people.

copy paste from a second google search .
Brendan Fraser is wearing prosthetics for weight gain
In a profile interview with Newsweek, Fraser confirmed that he does wear prosthetics in The Whale. He already finished filming at the time, but he knew the impact that the feature film would likely have.

what should we call this phenomenon?

we'll call it whatever your mom and dad names are.
Combine the two into an action verb.
Karen N Jerryed

Based. Who plays the kid?

Idris Elba

He didn’t hit the wall. He became the wall to track down thots and to wall them. He is that which cannot be walled. The wall

He's evolving into Don Vito
it's a higher form of life, femoids can't understand

Attached: 92b591e213584234a6c755b15cbf9b68ae-15-don-vito-magera.rsquare.w330.jpg (330x330, 17.14K)

Secondhand walling

Should've cast him for Baron Harkonen

you guys know that is make-up, yeah?
like he's a big guy, for sure. but the movie is about him being a 600 pound fat guy.

Exactly, all prosthetics and special effects, he's not balding and fat.

hes like the male version of that woman from Clue

Are you claiming Marlo Brando wasn’t a man?

He's a faggot who fucked men and a nigger

>He's in

Attached: Looney_Tunes_Back_in_Action.jpg (600x400, 47.94K)

Educate yourselves on the REAL Bredan Fraser