Literally get shit for free for being hot

>literally get shit for free for being hot
>have sex whenever they want
>don’t like me for my body or looks but also tell me I’m hot
>oh no some chad might rape us so being a woman is badm
No incel is going around raping women
It’s always the fucking chads
>but incels go around killing women
more chads have killed their gfs than incels have killed women

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such a travesty that out of everyone of the chess twitch era, this fucking bitch gets the gibs from all the simps. pathetic.

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Look at this man. He's hideous, isn't he? He my be the nicest, most generous man for all we know. But he made one fatal mistake; being ugly. It's not his fault, but that doesn't matter. It's over. Stop bitching and get used to it.

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she should be at the end of my cock rn

There is a downside. Constantly unsafe when alone. Have to get things shoved inside you. Have to get pregnant and give birth. Have to carry a baby for 9 months. Can die from child birth. Constant fear of rape. Constant fear of being murdered. Weaker. Lower IQ.

Yea. Despite how easy women seem to have it, I would never trade being a man.

Real shit. What do you get from always thinking about this. Why not just live your life.

Her older sister is hotter. Just putting it out there.

That is him living his life. He lives and experiences that and is now talking about it on Any Forums. If people complain about murder because their friend got murdered or something, that's them living their life.

I see them legs are developing nicely.

What the fuck is this thread even

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>literally get shit on
I dunno who this is but she sounds gross.

Half that shit IS his fault, he wasn't born fat he wasn't born balding. I guarantee his health is fucking garbage and you (fat unhealthy faggot) project onto him and cope by saying "I'm just ugly so it's not worth it". Well I hate to break it to you, it's what's inside that counts and you're a lazy fat bastard on the inside

I'd kick your ass in chess.

Eggy is cool

All those points make no difference if they get a Chad provider husband on their prime.

I’m sure there’s some legitimacy to the whole thing about expectations for behavior and looks. Like they really do put a lot of work into their appearance, base self-worth entirely on looks, are probably raised to be meek. Then you have the issue of finding the wrong partners, since they’ve got high end mates approaching them all the time, it’s easy to fall for someone who leads you down a bad path or just wants to fuck and run. It’s like a lot of their main issues are the exact opposite of a man’s (needing to be strong, confident, and not look feminine, having to work hard to find a partner)

Why don't they take their chance with someone that doesn't care about their looks?

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kek, seethe more virgin. Your suffering is almost as good as sex, not quite, but it's for the purposes of analogy close

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eggwhite is cool, i saw him at virginfest in georgia.

>multiple good threads deleted
>this gets to stay up despite threads like it always being the first deleted
what reddit/twitter or Any Forumsranny tourist approved shit is this from?

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cry about it, pedo.

>>multiple good threads deleted
you shitposters are delusion retards

theres a pedo thread up right now though
anti roastie threads always get deleted right away though so this is someone important to tranny tourism