Is American culture really this dangerous and violent?

Is American culture really this dangerous and violent?

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Dr Dre carried these shitters

Dre > Cube > everyone else

they were just larping

dr dre and ice cube were trust fund faggots

they were throwing parties in their huge mansion in the 80s with michael gira

>they were throwing parties in their huge mansion in the 80s with michael gira

this was just all lies and created by the guys it featured

the real story was told in CB4

Attached: cb4.png (640x713, 378.47K)

Did Magic "No Homo" Johnson really give Eazy the AIDS?

And Tupac's mom was a politician in Los Angeles. The only real gang member was EZ

Why did Eazy get aids and die immediately when Magic Johnson got aids and lived for like 50 more years?

Attached: 0080.jpg (640x347, 17K)

"American" culture...Norman Rockwell was American Culture. Even the Rocky movie series was American Culture. This was programmed demoralization based on propaganda and deceit.

Magic sought out treatment, Eazy didn't

Did you not watch American History X?
They just drive around murdering one and other for fun and then have gay sex in prison afterwards
Blacks see themselves as American.

how come Ice Cube is the only kino one in the whole group? seems like an alright dude

Not American culture, nigger culture. Big difference

Yes and very black

Is it true Ice Cube is gay?

América is black

>You have AIDS
>but I ain't no faggot
>Doctor tries and fails to hide his disbelief

This. But even then he was just drug dealing, he was never shooting anybody with a Mac 10 or shanking niggas. Also he got AIDs from homosex, Tupac was also a flamer.