Why didn't the French just rape her when she was on the cage or knocked out?

This point in the movie really suspends my disbelief. The French seemed content in just killing her off anyways so what would a few rapes hurt? A bunch of horny Frenchman would have raped her for months.

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Surprisingly user most people are savages like you.

Lotta movies avoid the rape. You have to just assume if there is a possibility of rape, they raped. See PotC. Elizabeth would have gotten raped a ton in that series.

Have consensual sex.

why did she speak english

Not OP, but yeah, an indian girl that looks like that is getting pounded

I bet they raped her , but i dont need to see it.
Movie is fine like this....the Rape scene in The Revenant makes it Hard to see whit friends or partner.

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didn't Barbossa imply that he couldn't have sex as an undead and would rape her as soon as he broke his curse?

>Incelling so hard you're angry fictional characters don't rape a woman
Whew, lad

Totally, that first movie is a total wild ride for a 7 year old to see in theaters.

She's too old.

Because it isn‘t a japanese movie.

How's that surprisingly. History shows that humans are savages by nature. Most people just pretend to be nice and compassionate until the opportunity comes to whip out their dicks.

Shes far too old for frenchmen trappers standart, i bet they prefer to nail a sweet warm cattle bum back at the outpost.

they prefer the company of men, if you catch my drift

They are worried about the alien.

they didnt have time, they wanted to kill the predator first and then rape her

Most men would rape if they could get away with it. It is literally your biological imperative as a man to cum inside as many women as you can. Even with the stiff penalties against rape in most civilized nations, a lot of people still can't help themselves.

A bunch of Frenchmen on a fur expedition who haven't seen their wives in months capturing a young, hot native girl, who'd see no consequences for their actions since they're so far away from civilization? The entire camp is running a train on her

don't you think it's strange how many people you walk by every day who apparently aren't rapist murderer cannibals because they're only afraid of going to jail or going to hell or some other kind of punishment

imagine how close some of those people must come on a daily basis to snapping

can't rape the willing

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Because the movie is a feminist power fantasy

There's also basic fucking conscious. If I was a French trapper trapped in the wild for months and the crew decide to gangbang a girl, one more is not going to make a difference, but I'd not hurt someone just to get off. Just fucking pay for it if you're that horny.

they did, she just doesn't remember.

In 9 months she will give birth to a white boy

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>A bunch of horny Frenchman would have raped her for months.
This is just grossly incorrect and a self-insert fantasy thought. Just because you're a man doesn't mean you're going to rape everything you see. First of all, your body is something you treat with care and respect and putting your body on some filthy savage is not showing yourself respect. Two, rape takes up time and energy and if you're in the midst of enemy territory or in a war where you can be killed, you won't do it. Three, keeping her alive for months requires resources and for you to take her everywhere, so no that would never happen and is absolutely retarded. She would be pregnant within the first month of being raped anyways and nobody is going to raise the child or even set her free. It would be 1000x harder to kill an enemy when she's PREGNANT WITH YOUR CHILD than it would when she is not.

So tl;dr the RAPE would have broken immersion and suspend belief.

>Most men would rape if they could get away with it.
You are the perfect example of what prolonged sexual frustration does to a virgin's brain, because trust me, nobody that gets bitches is thinking about or desiring to rape women. Only a sexless incel who is scared of talking to women would seriously believe that most socially healthy men would be down for such a morally depraved act like rape. Word of advice, leave your house and meet people, develop a social life and try to get a gf and have sex. Once you accomplish that you realize how embarrassing and stupid your incel babbling is.

Nigger people got raped all the time that's why alot are alive it's just nature bro

i literally watched Prey with a girl last night and came balls deep in her afterwards

Didnt read your article tranny, btfo fpbp

Priorities. The predator was killing them, the frogs were hoping to get more intel from her to defeat it.

A group of all male trappers alone in the wilderness for months on end would be extremely horny and rape prone just like sailors historically were