I don't get it

I don't get it.

That $75k USD, and 5'9'.

What actually so bad about that?

Attached: 1656703480188.webm (500x260, 2.81M)

I’m 5’3”

You're having it explained to you in the same webm you just posted, you retarded nigger. Even for requirements that low, there are lines and lines of younger women waiting to catch men like that.

I'm so sorry

ok and? I see plenty of short men with girlfriends/wives out in the real world

>>That $75k USD, and 5'9'.
even that is too high a bar for chinks

I wasn’t saying that to make you feel sorry for me lmao. I’m fine with my height.


lmao kys you spic

The way she struggles to hold out three fingers is cute

What's the context of this scene? Is she in a meeting with somebody who is supposed to find her a match (I.E. job hunting), or is she annoying a friend who is currently at working?
This protagonist seems like a cunt. A dried up one at that.

The other woman explains what the problem is starting at 0:14.
>Men with such qualifications are all targeted by younger women.
By going after those men, she is throwing herself it a competition with women who are much younger and much prettier than her. That's a competition she's going to lose.

It is a matchmaking company

Heh, fucking manlet.

Truly; 5'4 KING

This is an extremely degenerate show. It's basically See and the City for Japanese women. She leaves the boyfriend she loves because she wants to "find herself" which means getting a dumb job at a fashion magazine and screwing a lot of guys. Then she hits 35 and has trouble dating. But in the end it all works out for her and prince charming sweeps her.kff her feet.

when you go grocery shopping there's always one person in the aisle smirking when you gotta reach for the middle shelf

>Warwick Davis meets Peter Dinklage

what is the name of the show, asking for a friend

>Prince charming

She got off with the zoomer barista that has no fucking assets.

Her Prince charming was the store owner that was a literal fucking chad.

Burgers don't know how good they have it. They can do literally anything useful (stem degree, trades, etc) and basically be guaranteed to be making $75k+ by the time they're 30, if not substantially more if they aren't retarded.

That income is virtually unattainable in any other country for normal people, including the developed ones.

Tokyo Girl on amazon, or RARBG

is this a movie? Name?

It's an extremely redpilled show, nothing degenerate about it. If you think the show portrays her life decisions in a positive light then you are an imbecile and a brainlet