If I can't have you girls, I will destroy you

>if I can't have you girls, I will destroy you

what are some kino movie quotes?

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Somehow... The girls don't like my BMW

You're not brave, men are brave.

Batman to Superman

>good sense of humor
>fairly attractive
>has a nice car

I swear, if this nigga just waited a year or two he would have gotten his pusi

he was cucking himself, his ego was so big that he expected women to approach him and was offended that a female's nature typically expects men to chase them. you can't fix that kind of mental illness

He was simply too supreme for this world. Not a drop of simp blood in his dna.
He’s getting mad pussy in heaven

The guy was autistic and socially retarded. You think him approaching women would change anything? If anything it would've made him more repulsive.
If women don't approach you then you're not that good looking. But again I doubt he went out to bars and nightclubs.

Yeah and it would have been mediocre and he would have realized women dont really matter at the end of the day and they certainly arent worth getting homicidal over. The sense of perspective I got when I started bare backing women and cumming inside them was eye opening not because of how amazing sex is but rather how much of a nothing burger joke it is. If someone's offering up pussy I'll take it I'm not a fag or anything but I dont treat women with anything but the scorn and disdain they deserve. I love God, Jesus Christ and my family. I have no love for women or normies and never will. Elliot was a loser who lacked life perspective and eternally a faggot for killing his starcraft obsessed Korean roommates instead of teaming up with them to go fuck chink pussy

he was a volcel, only 10/10 blonde stacy will do it for him

>I love God, Jesus Christ
which is even more lame than killing yourself and/ or others for pussy

I pity you for not knowing God. Though someday you will know Him, when you face Him and are held to account for all your arrogance and sin.

imagine worshiping a dead kike on a stick

>>fairly attractive
You're clueless.

>is a social retard and his personality is literally the incel archetype
>abloo abloo I have a nice car why won't girls fuck me?
He was doomed from the start. Too based for this world.

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Except Chad. He is ALWAYS approached

>If women don't approach you then you're not that good looking.
What does a woman approaching look like? Same as with men or some 'subtle' passive feminine version?

if it's at a bar or nightclub she usually compliments you and if she doesn't start touching you, she makes it really obvious she wants to fugg.

>Why don’t you come with me, get into some trouble. Knock off some CEO Hedge Fund types it’ll be fun

Another user, I can get girls but I'm not particularly attractive and never had them approach me.
but they do scan around with their eyes. if I look back and both hold eye contact while a small smile appears, that's my cue. this could be different from culture to culture.

degenerate wignat detected

I've had women strike up random conversations with me in bar/club line environments but nothing ever came of it, so either I'm ugly or too autistic

This guy was such a fucking character. His book is a masterwork of edgelord immaturity. He even called it "My Twisted World."