What is the best Resident Evil movie?

I only watched the first one and I started off by laughing at that movie but as the time went on it actually felt nice to watch, pretty weird experience from a movie that's supposed to be weird in a bad way, are other movies worth watching?

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4/Afterlife is the most batshit
6/The Final Chapter is the only one that's legit bad enough to skip (when you see that big exciting cliffhanger in 5 remember that there is no payoff and it will never be mentioned again)

The first one is the "best" movie. All of the others are schlock popcorn films

I heard that the one with Jill was supposed to be the best one?
First movie had a nice cliffhanger as to what's gonna happen next (AFTER ALICE ESCAPED SOME FACILITY USING A FUCKING SYRINGE)
It actually starts to look like the movie is going to take place in RE3

Skipping Final Chapter is a bad idea because it wraps up some really important stuff about Alice. On the other side of the coin it is kind of a retread of Extinction's story.

All of them are good

first is the best movie, although the wesker fight from 4 or whichever is the best scene

Second one just for her

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I heard it was borderline experimental

The animated movies are great

1 & 2 are kino. Rest is shit.

The first is the best film. It's fantastically paced, has great music, and strong aesthetics.
Apocalypse is an outright badly made movie that was salvaged in post.
Extinction is a hugely underrated Russell Mulcahy joint. Like a mixture of Mad Max and Razorback.
Afterlife is fun, and the first of the "second trilogy" that is a lot more bonkers than the first. It's cool and stylish.
Retribution has issues, but is interesting and breaks the cinematic fourth wall a lot. It's even more stylish, but somehow not as cool.
The Final Chapter had a fucked up production. Anderson basically chose to remake his 1998 movie "Soldier" but with Resident Evil characters after the original story had to be thrown out due to budget and cast issues. The official novelization basically throws up its hands and admits that the central conceit of a 48 hour countdown to the destruction of the remaining human survivors makes no fucking sense. How on earth does Alice breaking the anti-virus vial stop Umbrella killing everyone? How are these events in any way correlated? What's to stop Wesker releasing the detonator out of spite? The plot of the film was clearly rewritten on the fly as everything went to shit behind the scenes. That said, the film provides closure to a lot of stuff, so until they make another Milla Jovovich film that retcons it, it's a must watch to understand the story.

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It's weird how RLM hated Afterlife given that Afterlife/Retribution are basically the Star Wars Prequels of Resident Evil films, including the director of the original film returning to take control and show off his fascination with cutting edge visual effects technology.

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WTRC is definitely worth a watch, and gets way too much hate.

>nice cliffhanger
Rule #1 never trust an RE movie cliffhanger..

All the RE film cliffhangers are respected in some way plot-wise. The primary issue is that because of Sony fuckery they could never guarantee returning cast between movies. So Extinction has to skip over what happened in Detroit because they couldn't get Jill's actress back, and had to rewrite her scenes to use Claire instead. Afterlife is actually a direct continuation of Extinction, with the caveat that Extinction wasn't originally going to have sequels. The plotline of the cure made from Alice's blood was originally intended to be revisited in Final Chapter. The White Queen would work on the cure, and deliver it to Alice, who would take it to Raccoon City to deploy it. But due to Final Chapter's problems that was scrapped.

Anyway, Retribution carries on from After's cliffhanger. It's a direct follow-on. And despite some major production problems The Final Chapter carries on directly from the ending of Retribution. They just couldn't get any of the actors back (and they didn't have the money for the battle scene anyway) so it opens with the aftermath of the battle and Alice crawling out of the tunnels.

In the grand scheme of things, the Resident Evil films manage to tell a somewhat coherent linear narrative with some time jumps and retcons. It's not like Terminator where it turns into soft reboot soup after 3.

Resident Evil Apocalypse's opening scene picks up immediately after the first film. Except the camera work is suddenly way worse and fixated with Dutch angles.

Sony/Screen Gems were the financial backer and distributor for the Resident Evil films, including Welcome to Raccoon City, but they do not have the best reputation. They were kind of the best gig in town if you wanted to make a moderately budget genre film. But they were notorious for executive meddling. They're the reason Ultraviolet was released visibly unfinished VFX-wise and slashed down from 120 to 88 minutes because the workprint was "too emotional". Screen Gems are the reason why Welcome to Raccoon City has CG problems, and why the third act feels like it's missing something. They cut the budget from its original 40 million to 25 million. And given how badly WTRC did at the box office maybe they were justified doing that, but creatively it was devastating.

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I liked the second one with nemesis the best. Haven’t seen it since I was like 12 but it felt closest to the games.

Apocalypse > Resident Evil > Extinction > Afterlife >Retribution > Final Chapter

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