Watching movie

>watching movie
>scene with a white family eating a meal
>it's just bread with butter spread on it

what the fuck? i'm genuinely asking, do white people eat shit like this?

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Denominate one (I) kinography

On today's episode of shit that's literally never happened

I would expect someone who's never worked a day in his life to understand.

yes, everyday

Are you sure they weren't just eating bread before the main course?

wait, are white people the only people that eat bread and butter? i know mayonnaise is a white thing

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In finland we eat rye bread with some toppings. It's good for ya system

I buy take and bake French baguettes and throw them in the oven and then fuck them up with butter and you will never stop me I love bread and butter and hate jews

God I just wanna hug every Finn I see

I did growing up. Only it was margarine and white bread, which explains a lot of my physical development.

Stay away from me

Butter is NOT good for you, no dairy product is. That milk is meant for a calf, not for humans. You are ingesting hormones not meant for human consumption.

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but they don't want to hug nobody

I’ll make you enjoy my hormones.

Love you too

>OP finds out about oatmeal
>loses 2d10 SAN

I enjoy olive oil on top of french bread, with garlic and shit of course.

Name a movie where this happens.

that might be ill advised

It’s so god damned good

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