
>The greatest acting talent of the day
>The greatest orchestral score for any television production
>The largest sets ever built for TV or film
>Shot on 35mm film cameras
>Immaculate costume and production design
>Celebration of masculinity, friendship, loyalty and honour

We will never get a series like Rome again

Attached: MV5BYTM4MmU1NWYtNzJjYy00YWFhLThjOGEtZmMxOGI1NzE0NGNiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDIzMzcwNjc@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg (1000x1500, 162.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>everybody speaks with a heavy Brittish accent

>a galaxy far, far away
>everyone speaks in english

>Not a single person in the cast looks med

I like Rome but it's overrated as fuck, it doesn't even reach close to the greatness of the HBO classics - Deadwood being the greatest of all

As a Brit I can't help but blame the BBCs involvement

Re watching currently and I agree with everything you say. Unfortunately its demise was its massive budget. Im glad that it happened.

The only reason Rome is overrated is because it was cancelled. If it got a full run it would've been kino incarnate.

You forgot
>no niggers

You have seen paintings and busts of them, right? Very white in Rome. Farther south, they looked a little more Macedonian.

Great show.

Rome is one of the best tv series of all time. The second season sucks.

Come to think of it, why haven’t the Italians made any Roman kino? You’d think they would as the literal descendants of the Roman people.

>he can tell skin colour from a statue

Cuckold plotline

>Paintings...and lots of genetic traits are revealed in stone.

they should have called it Two Legionaries. in the end it's all about them although i was more interested in watching the Caesar vs Brutus storyline.

They've made a bunch actually, don't know if any of it is good however

Its just weird and I drop a lot of movies because of that. It seems that vikings, romans, greeks, jews and egyptians all spoke with a heavy brittish accent. But russians, arabs, germans, africans and indians in westerns alll have this weird english oogabooga immigrant accent.

Kevin McKidd literally looks like a Roman statue come to life

>implying 100BC romans looked like swarthy turks

And what of good Solonius?

Attached: solonius.jpg (300x450, 28.36K)

So you're saying Ciaran Hinds and James Purefoy don't look Med? Have you ever seen a Mediterranean?

Attached: actor-james-purefoy-156294_large.jpg (426x600, 61.19K)