Open app

>open app
>find movie to watch
>press play
>turn on vpn (optional
>go to torrent website
>find movie
>click magnet icon
>wait 5-20 minutes for torrent to download
>download finished
>click play

Attached: HTNngHTcJYVGWGTXNVPS56-1200-80.jpg (640x360, 33.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Download movie once
>Can watch it anytime i want without the internet

Attached: thank you based god.jpg (535x434, 65.4K)

When I was in college and didn't have money I pirated a lot.
Now I use streaming sites out of convenience.

bro when you're a based pirata you download shit that you're going to watch way before you actually want to watch it
i download shit in the morning (2-3 shows or movies) then when it's night i have a folder of shit to pick from.

also jewflix is expensive af for hd and then you have to subscribe to all the services to get access to all the movies.
then there's shit that's not even on any streaming service

torrenting is a necessity

just use stremio. basically app like interface for torrents.

Attached: stremio.730x0.jpg (730x456, 162.17K)

streaming is WAY more convenient than torrenting
the only reason I even pirate anymore is MEGA+AppleTV/AirPlay makes it easy to shoot pirate content to my TV from the computer

Oh no piratebros, how will we ever cope with all the free movies conveniencesisters have to pay for??

>open app
>don't find movie you're looking for
>look what else is available
>spend twenty minutes sifting through steaming hot trash just to find something remotely watchable (there's no way to filter out movies and shows, so you're going to have to do this every time you're looking for something to watch)
>end up watching a movie you've already seen, because at least you know that it's decent
I cancelled my netshits subscription because they have nothing but garbage originals and a couple of older movies I've already seen. The interface isn't good either, why should I pay for this?

>turn on vpn
are westerners really this cucked?

>go to torrent website

>>go to torrent website
This lmao, literally just type what you want on the qbitorrent search engine and download, kino time.

>>but whomst strims
torrents are only good if can't find strims

>>not using google drive
what is wrong with you?

yes have your enemy hold your data for you, great idea.

you don't understand the poorfag mentality. Some of these people have android phones ffs. their time is worthless so they don't care about the inconvenience of torrenting. thank your lucky stars theyre spending thir time doing this instead of burglarising houses

Fuck streaming, nothing but woke trash spread across 20 different services.
Fill a NAS with older TV-shows and your set.

Attached: nice.jpg (480x360, 26.92K)

Most things worth seeing arent on any streaming service.

>need to have a job, work and use the money you earn to pay for a service that saves you 20 minutes

>or you can just not pay anything

Uhh. I don't know

Had enough free trials to see that each service wouldn't be worth the subscription never mind stacking them because (x) movie isn't offered by (y) service.

>it doesn't know about streaming piracy sites
nobody tell xir

Who the fuck is Xir?

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I dont want to finance these companies and I like saving 600$ a year

>open Jackett
>type the name of the show or movie
>wait less than a minute
>kino of the highest bitrate is now ready to play.
>dab on Any Forums poorfags