Nigga just do a pull-up

Nigga just do a pull-up

Attached: 70126ee73cb0caab0abc1e17a71e1af2.jpg (736x833, 98.26K)

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like you could

pull ups are hard when you're an old wizard

He wanted to kill the balrog because gandalf is based

He wanted to solo the Balrog to unlock his prestige class

I'm 5'10 and 165 pounds and cant do a single pull up

I can do sets of 12 @190 lbs

Try doing it when you're over a millennia old, fagtard.


it was his divine duty to kill the balrog, non-whites wouldn't understand

If he’s a wizard why couldn’t he levitate himself? Why didn’t they just fly a predator drone to mordor?

>cant do a pullup but can battle primordial evils

Honestly when is the last time you felt something like you felt during this entire sequence? You will never again feel something this real and intense. Diversity is more important. Nobody cares about quality writing anymore.

he couldn't risk another big player going after the ring or teaming up with sauron after learning that saruman was no longer on his side

Absolutely love the shot when they're running out.
>give them a moment for pity's sake!
Kino. Boromir was one of my favorite characters.

Attached: E6mRMt8XEAQ_j6K.jpg (1075x994, 132.48K)

>He wanted to kill the balrog because gandalf is based
>He wanted to solo the Balrog to unlock his prestige class

These. In the book Gandalf got yanked off the bridge and dragged down by the whip, but in the movie the whip had already released him and he definitely intended to go after the Balrog. As a book purist, it bothered me, but it makes sense that Gandalf couldn’t leave something as dangerous as the Balrog alive.

So Balrog didn't bother him for thousands of years, but he decides to kill him right at the time when he has other shit to do?

look, it’s Jackson, it doesn’t have to make sense. I’m just describing what Gandalf did in the movie. Dude let go on purpose.

>just pull up that Balrog
Gandalf is no Ronnie Coleman

What? I'm an incredibly unfit 5'11, 100lbs and can easily do 10 reps.

I can max out the assisted pull-up machine for reps of 15